Chapter 4

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Hey guys! Thanks for all the votes and comments :) Hope you're all enjoying the story, and if you know any Liam fans, please let them know about this story! I notice there isn't very many Liam Stories, mostly Harry :S Well anyway, enjoy! And remember to vote guys! :D Lana xXxXxXXxXxxXxXxxXXxxXXXxXxX P.S. I've changed 'Danielle' to 'Olivia', because I don't want anyone thinking I have anything against Danielle, I love her to be honest! :')

Chapter 3 Yazzs' POV

Liam is everything I want in a guy; funny, caring, cute, extremely hot, an amazing singer and most of all, really loveable. You just need to look into his eyes and you're already head over heels in love with him. He's adorable, I just hope he feels the same way about me. We've only been dating for a few days and this was the first concert of his I'd ever been too, and hopefully not the last.

He was an outstanding singer, I love it when he does that croaky thing with his throat at the start of a song. It actually makes go weak at the knees, I can definitely see why all the fans love him. He's got that kind of charm that makes girls go weak at the knees and swoon over him. Not that I would ever do that, nope. Never.

I was standing at the bar with Jenny, sipping away at WKD with her. She was so nervous about dating Harry, bless her! "It's just you know how long I've waited to meet him properly, like not in a fan way. Last night, everything seemed too good to be true! We were getting on exactly how I imagined we would, it was scary! I just hope our relationship is like I imagined it would be too....."

See, I didn't tell Liam that Jenny has actually been a fan of One Direction since we were 13. She just happened to be in the same club as Harry last night, which is mental! She's always talked about wanting to get to know Harry as a friend, not a celebrity. Last night, she did, and look what's happened now! Harry's dating her!

"Seriously though, it was meant to be. We always knew you two would get on, I mean come on, you're the female version of him for God's sake!" I laugh.

She laughs too and glances over at Harry who's chatting to Niall. Suddenly, both of them go up on stage and beckon the others to come on too. Liam walks over from talking to Paul his manager before he notices me standing at the bar. He winks making me blush a little and I wave back.

"So some of you guys were able to watch the concert, some of you couldn't because who were busy making sure it went okay. Well, we're going to take some requests and sing a few songs for you guys, because, well we love you." Harry says into the microphone, glancing over at Jenny as he says the last line.

Her eyes grow wide and she turns to look at me. I laugh at her expression but am suddenly distracted by Liam on stage. "Any requests?" He asks, looking at me.

"TAKEN!" I blurt out.

It even shocks me that I blurted that out! He chuckles and nods. "Alright, Taken it is!"

Jenny smirks at me, knowing that this is one of my favourites mainly because of what Liam does with his throat at the start. The band starts up and Liam brings his microphone to his lips.

"Now that you can't have me, you suddenly want me. Now that I'm with somebody else, you tell me you love me. I slept on your door step, begging for one chance."

I let out a whimper, unconsciously making Jenny turn to laugh at me. I can't help it! I love it when he does that moan with his throat. He winks at me while singing, making me thank God that I'm sitting on a chair, otherwise I'd be on the floor dying. It didn't help that his checkered shirt wasn't buttoned all the way to the top.

He did about 4 throat crackles during the whole song, I couldn't take it anymore. I was fanning myself, trying to hide the hot flush I'd came over in during the performance. "Jenny, I'm stepping outside, I'll be back in a sec!" I shout over the boys performance of Gotta Be You.

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