PROLOUGE: What Wasn't Wished...

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"So......." He wanted to say something but was unsure of how to say. He was following a large, well built, old man. The man was in his 60s, and had his red clock, tied around his neck, long enough to sweep the wet soiled ground behind him. His crown was shining brightly on his head as he turned around to face his son.

"You should not question, your father and the king." he said in a husky voice. The younger follower, was surprised by how every time king is successful in guessing the words he never spoke.

"But father, your decision can bring a war." he said carefully choosing his words, so they don't disappoint his father. They were standing in the secret passage which was hidden from everyone. The only one who knew about it was the king and the queen, and now the boy in his early 20s, who is 'Soon-to-be-king'.

"Simon, listen boy, I am king Makarov first then your father. I have to make decision which are best for this kingdom. I choose you to succeed me. And then this a dream come true, to become a king of such vast empire, what's the problem then?" Simon was King's second son. He have 3 more siblings, An Elder Brother, and two younger sisters. He knew that Makarov's decision will upset his elder brother who is pouring his blood, sweat& tears to impress king to become the next ruler. From an early age his brother started practicing every duty with responsibility and became a role model for his brother, but Simon knew, when it comes to succession his brother was the cruelest person alive on Moon World.

From the very start, Simon was never interested in becoming the ruler. He would rather choose strolling streets, and secretly filling his pockets with edible supplies he finds along the way. Yes Sir, prince soon-to-be-king was the most famous thief of Moon World. Since he haven't done much to impress the king, he himself was surprise on how was he chosen, but one thing for sure that this good news brought sense of agony and hatred.

"Dad, what made you choose me over Earl?" He asked, as he felt his heart heavy in his chest. "He is trying his best to achieve this rank while all I do is to behave childishly." He asked. Makarov gave a huge sigh.

"Son, while choosing a Ruler you have to look for a person who passes your requirements and In my case, royal duties are just 20% of the requirement. On the other hand you fill more requirements, and as for royal duties, you will learn quickly as you will become one." Simon was not convinced or excited after hearing his father but he could not oppose more. Once Makarov decides something he don't give up until he does it. Without any other word Makarov indicated his son to follow him. The rest of the journey to unknown destination was covered in silence. After a long walk Makarov stopped in front of a wall. Simon, judged the old wall. It was cover in thick moss and was wet and cold.

"Did you forgot the way?" Simon asked uninterestedly. He could see his father smirked as he walked closer to the wall. He stretched his arm. He touched the wall gently and it slowly faded away. This was something new for Simon as he slowly started gaining interest. He followed his father in a strange circular room. It have Circular shelves around the room, they were decorated with gold carvings and painted figures of people. These figures narrated story, Simon have witnessed many places with painted figures narrating stories but something was different with these.

"Because my son, they are not narrating past, they are narrative future." Makarov smirked as he saw his son fully interested in the room. Simon should now get use to his father mind reading but why did the figures narrate future? Who painted them? And did the artists knew the future? This was confusing Simon.

"Is this another Dimension of Moon Library?" Simon asked. Makarov, spoke without turning his face towards Simon.

"No son, this is completely different and seldom touch library." He said. Simon Look around the shelves. Books were neatly placed around them, all had thick red, velvet bindings with Gold number carved on them. They did not have any word on them nor writer. The counting starts from 1 to 300 Billion. Simon noticed, baby size figures fluttering almost everywhere near the shelf. They were brightly colored green, pink, blue and orange. Their wings were fluttering behind them, and their back was facing Simon.

Apocalypse of the Moon: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now