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Requested by MrsOhioFriedChicken thanks for requesting (:

I was driving down an old dusty highway praying to God I'll make it out alive when suddenly I looked at the gas tank and it was on empty. Fan-fucking-tastic.

"Oh no no no no"

I got out of the car and started pushing. This is the car my great grandparents wanted me to have when I started driving... the car was like 30 years old and smells like dead cat. The car was heavy as hell I'm not that big or strong so how the hell will I be able to push this all the way to a gas station? I decided to wait for somebody to drive by and ask for help.

2 hours passed and nobody has driven by it's dark and cold. I was about to give up when suddenly I heard the sound of a dirt bike. I turned to look behind me and I saw someone on a dirt bike. So I got up and waved him down, luckily he saw me so he rode over to me. He turned off the bike and took his helmet off and boy was he fine.

"What seems to be the problem miss?"

His voice was deep with a hint of country.

"Well my car is out of gas and I've been stuck out here for 2 hours and I'm cold and tired so can you please just help me"

He looked at me with a sympathetic look as if to say calm to the fuck down.

"Okay okay calm down my friends should be here any minute now so they can help us"

Friends? He has friends casually strolling by and I haven't seen anyone for 2 HOURS?

"What's your name anyways?"

He ruffles his hair and replys.

"My name is Hayes. And you are?"


All of a sudden I see taillights in the distance.

"Oh there they are"

Hayes starts to flag them down and they pull over and 4 dudes jump out the car. They are all mighty fine too.

"Sabella I would like you to meet my friends Jack, Jack, Cameron and my brother Nash"

We all exchange hellos and then get to pushing.

  "Man this car is old"

Nash says.

"Smells weird too"

One of the Jacks says.

" Yeah its my great grandparents car they wanted me to drive it"


They all say at the same time. I roll my eyes and giggle. Finally we make it to the gas station and I fill my car up with gas.

"Hey Sabella"

Hayes smiles at me and scratches the back of his head.

"I surprisingly had a great time with you tonight do you maybe wanna I don't know kinda go out sometime?"


"Oh Uhh yeah I would love to"

I kept it nice and cool.

"Well I should get going now I'm exhausted, but please thank your friends for me"

"Of course"

He smiles as I walk away.

"Oh and one more thing"

I say turning around to look at Hayes.

"Thank you so much, you're my superman"

"Anytime beautiful"

Tonight was amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2017 ⏰

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