Angela's Journal 1: New start!

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Today is the first day of Middle School. Once I got there, I had to find my locker number. It was 23. When I got there, I saw this girl in designer clothing looking up and down at me like chewed up gum that ended up at the bottom of  her shoes. Then she just turned around. That was awkward. Once I got to my first class, I kept noticing this guy staring at me. Once I caught him, he blushed, and looked away. His name was Justin. He was the cutest guy there, and Abby had a TOTAL HUGE crush on him. She kept glaring at me the whole time because Justin was staring at me. After first period was over, Justin came up to me. "I've noticed you in first period, and I'm sorry if it kind of freaked you out that I was staring at you." He said, nervous. Abby was walking up. Her high heels were clicking so loud that I could barely THINK! "Hi, Justin!" She gushed. "Oh, hi, Abby." He said. Then the bell rang. "On the schedule, we have 2nd period together!" she gushed AGAIN, and grabbed his hand. But he let go quickly, looking back at me. Abby wasn't just a normal girl. She was the most POPULAR, and the most RICH. She had designer clothing, light blonde hair, all pink clothes, AND jewelry. She was like a designer Strawberry Shortcake or something. But her attitude wasn't as nice as her clothes. She was the RUDEST, SNOBBIEST, MOST DISGUSTING person i've met. Yet EVERYONE just ADORES the girl. Whatever. At second period, I didn't have class with Justin and Abby, but with this guy named Trey. He wasn't staring and blushing at ME, I was staring and blushing at HIM! Trey had Light brown hair (like me), black glasses, and casual clothes. He wasn't JUSTIN cute, if you ask me. But he was MY TYPE of cute! After second period, it was time for lunch. Me and Trey accidentally-on-purpose sat next to each other. We talked, and talked...and  TALKED! Turns out we had a lot in common. We immediately became best friends. Lucky for us, we had math together! We sat next to each other accidentally-on-purpose again. But I didn't mind. All throughout math we were staring and blushing at each other. OMG, It was embarrassing! After math, I went to my locker to get my books for homework, when I accidentally-not-on-purpose bumped into Abby. "Excuse you! You almost messed up my nails! It took me an entire 15-minutes to do these!" She complained like a 5-year-old. "Sorry!" I said. "You better be." Then she wrinkled her nose, got out her perfume-pink of course- and get this, SPRAYED IT ALL OVER ME! "PLEASE watch where you're spraying that!" I said. "Sorry! It's just with your terrible odor, I thought you were crying for help or something." She snorted. Soon, Justin started walking up. "Hi, Justin! yo know, how about we go to the movies later?" She asked. "Maybe, but I wanted to give this to Angela." He said. Her mouth dropped open in shock. Justin gave me a note. I read the words: "Will you be mine?" And before I could get my pencil and answer, Abby SNATCHED the paper out of my hand and read it. Then she gasped in horror. "OH NO HE DIND'T!!!!" She screamed. Then she glared over at me. "I'M SICK AND TIRED OF YOU! I DON'T LIKE YOU HERE!" She said, pretty ticked off. "And what did I do exactly?" I asked, anoyed. "JUSTIN ASKED YOU TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND, NOT YOU! HE LIKES ME, AND HE KNOWS IT. Maybe he's jsut trying to make me jealous. Yeah, that's it!" She said. "I'm watching you, snake." She said. OH. NO. SHE. DIDN'T. 

...To be continued in my next journal entry!...

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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