My Boyfriend's Ex-Girlfriend

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This is a contest submission for the Spin-an-Epic-Tale Contest.

I wrapped my hands around the steaming cup of coffee before me and sighed. The temperature had dropped since the snowstorm had begun yesterday and it showed no signs of slowing down. I shivered again as I glanced out of my frosted kitchen window… and froze.

I rushed to the window and wiped a circle clean with the sleeve of my sweater. Looking out, I could make out an obscure figure in black, standing still as the storm blew around her. Panic clawed up my throat. She couldn’t be here…

I darted to the front door and started on the locks with shaky hands.  Come on hands!  Work!

 ... Too late.  

The door flung open wildly, throwing me back onto the floor.  I scrambled on my hands and knees to the wall.  I sat in a ball beside the bookcase, holding my knees to my chest tightly, hoping that by some miracle she wouldn't see me.

She glided through the door.  Her feet only an inch above the floor and she floated through the room.  I buried my face in my arms and silently prayed that she would just pass by me.  Please.  I'm not ready for this.  I just need a little more time.

I felt a presence before me.  Without even looking up I knew it was her.  She didn't say anything.  She just hovered there before me.  Waiting.

I reluctantly drew my face from my arms and ever so slowly peeked up at the black figure through my eyelashes.

"Time's up, Kat," she said to me.

"Please," I begged her.  "I just need a little more time."

"We had a deal," she spoke calmly.

"I know.  I can do it.  Just please.  Give me one more week.  That's all I need.  Please," I pleaded with her.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT HE DID TO ME?!"  her voice boomed through the house.

I buried my face in my arms again as a wind swept through the house with her voice.  Books flying off of the bookshelf and the curtains flailing violently.  My coffee cup fell to the hardwood floor and shattered, spewing the coffee all over me.  I lifted my head again to look at her.  I drew up all the courage I had inside of me to speak again.

"I'm sorry he hurt you," I said, just barely above a whisper.  "Why can't you just leave us alone?"

"The deal," she spoke calmly again.

"I know..." I said with a sigh.

"Either you break his heart, or I will rip his heart right out of his chest with my bare hands and shred it into a million and one pieces just like he did mine," she reminded me.

I had used up all the courage I had.  I couldn't speak anymore.  I couldn't form anything coherent in my mind or with my mouth.  So I just nodded.

"One week," she said.  "That's all I'm giving you and I'll be back at the end of the week.  If his heart isn't burning with an intense sadness of a thousand heartbreaks then his heart is mine."

She glided out of the house and back out into the blizzard that was roaring outside.  I managed to lift myself off the floor and peek through the window.  I watched as her shadow faded into the blurry snow falling.  Once she was fully out of sight I sank back down to the floor.  I covered my face with my hands and began sobbing into them.

My Boyfriend's Ex-Girlfriend - Contest SubmissionWhere stories live. Discover now