Complicated Love Part 1

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           I never thought that my life would end when my best friend Shaylalynn asked my crush out for me . But I told myself to be positive and now I don't really like him anymore. Wait a minute I have to tell you a little bit about myself.. Well my name is Emily and my old crush I limed him for 2 years and when I finally got my first boyfriend which was the worse. I stopped liking him a little till Caiden my ex broke my heart.

        Anyways one day Shaylalynn tried to cheer me up by asking my old crush Bradley out for me. I didn't want her to but she did. I was depressed for months and didn't eat. It wants just because her it was also Caiden. I tried to kill myself but didn't get to far of trying.

         Now to tell you about my new crush that is my friend that I think he likes me.. But probably doesn't.  He dated someone which I also can't say because my other friend lili would read and probably tell everybody and he'll end up not being my friend. Anyways, I found out I liked him when he tried to ask me something at band camp but my color guard instructor said that lunch time was over and us lovebirds had to go. When she said that his face turned bright red like a fire hydrant.

        Now finally to start the complicated part sorta lol Idk what the Fuck I'm talking about. We have weird situations where my friend would say you guys should go behind a bush and make out which he ran away. I did to then he came up to me and said sorry and tried to say something else but once again we got erupted and had to go inside. I want to ask him out soooooo bad but I'm afraid he's gonna say no and not be my friend anymore.

                     To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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