The beginning and problably the end

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"Ma'am please leave the premises or you will have to be removed by force..."


"Ma'am you heard me, please just leave we don't want any trouble."

'Heh who would've thought I'd end up here' I thought to myself as I picked up my luggage and started heading towards the door
'Heck who would believe it me getting kicked out of frikin air port all because I was a minute late to my flight I can already hear my mom screaming at me for missing my flight'

as I leave the acursed place I hear what sounds like a siren in the distance, whatever I think the sirens sound far enough I doubt I need to worry,
At least that's what I thought
I sluggishly make my way to the curb to see if I can haul a cab or some thing.
That's when I heard those dang sirens again but this time they sound like they are slightly closer this time, geez 'what the flipin heck is even happening' I look in the direction of the noise, that's when I see it
Dead bodies everywhere


"This can't... It just.. Can not..."


I started to run as fast as I could
No matter what all I knew is that I had to escape.
Why, why is this happening i think to myself  now it's not only sirens there screams to accompany them, I didn't dare to look back this time

Then suddenly I was being dragged by what seemed to be a fairly large corgi?

Strange but it was fairly fast, much more than I

This gives me some time to think

Good, now what the heck is going on I thought
As I look up to get a Glance at my furry savior that's when I see the unexpected sight of sleeping chicken on the top of its head
It sounded like it Was.. Mumbling something in its sleep

No way, I most be delusional from the fear animals can't speak.
I recollect my thoughts and continue to look at
my surroundings and I finally  realized there is a pack of animals running along with me the corgi and the chicken.
A cat and a fox who seemed very close a fish in a fish tank being dragged behind,
And a Squirrel who seemed to be having a heart attack on top of the foxes head.

~~~~~~~~To Be Continued~~~~~

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