Can dogs fly ships?!?!

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After some running and blood curdling screams dying down we reach what seems to be an abandoned building
I walk in with the animals they all seem to know where they are going so why not

As we enter the seemingly empty establishment that when I realized the elephant in the room

Like no I don't mean it as a analogy like there is an actual fucking elephant in the room

Yayy, more weirdness just what today needed
At this point why am I even slightly surprised what did I expect

" hi Jeff what's up" says the corgi

"Ma name Jeff" retorts the elephant


" hey Jeff can you please help us get to the second floor"

"Ma name Jeff" it said as it wrapped it's trunk around us and gentle lifted us up to what seems to be the second floor

Really empty huh
I thought to my self when suddenly outta nowhere the chicken starts squawking-screaming loudly


"SAAAM DID YOU NOT GET RID OF ALL THE MICE" said the corgi in an angry tone

"What, I got bored and started playing with nine halfway through can, you blame me just look how adorable she is"

Absolutely disgusting.

"Get a room or get a life or get the mice idc which just get out of my sight man" says the corgi

[~guys I had a story line I swear it's gone tho~]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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