7. I Want It All.

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~Louis POV~

I came home from school and there was pure silence. I had no idea where any of my sisters were, but I knew my mom was still at work. I shrugged and went up to my room, I opened the door and placed my backpack down. I looked up and my eyes widened because there was a sleeping and shirtless Harry laying on my bed. I giggled softly at his slight snores, I went over to him and poked his curly head. He grunted, but remained asleep; I sighed because this was going to be harder than I thought. I climbed onto my bed and stood up on it. I jumped up and down on it.

"HARRY! WAKE! UP!" I shouted loudly. He finally woke up with shock and stared up at me as I continued to jump. He chuckled and pull me down onto his lap, smirking at me.

"Why did you have to wake me up?"

"It's my bed...." I muttered softly, avoiding his gaze.

"Awe, LouLou can't share?" He fake pouted then laughed as I just frowned.

"No, I can't because your big ass takes the whole bed!" I saw a smirk emerge on his face and I didn't understand why. Then, I felt two large hands grasp my bum cheeks and I squeaked.

"You have quite a girly bum, here." He still smirked, licking his lips while staring up at me and I turned a bright red.

"Yeah, I know, don't touch it!" I swatted his hands away from my booty, an even brighter blush found its way to my face. He chuckled and placed his hands on my hips.

"You're very adorable, do you know that?" He said with an actually sweet looking smile. He's just messing with me, he doesn't like me. I ignored him and got out of his grip and stood up, not taking a second glance at him. I saw a pout fall upon his lips as he sat up.

"Come on, Louis. You can't ignore me forever." He muttered, giving me another pout.

"Watch me." I growled at him then right when I was about to leave, there was a tug on my arm and I was face to face against Harry. Before you know it, his lips were soon pressed against mine. I didn't know what to do, I've never kissed anyone before. Yeah, ha ha I'm sixteen and I have yet to kiss anyone until now. How sad. I just stood there at first then slowly began to melt into the kiss. I kissed back. It was probably super messy but at least I tried right? Then I remembered, I like Zayn not Harry. I soon pulled away and pushed Harry away from me. I ran downstairs, keeping my eyes far away from his.

~Harry POV~

What did I feel at that moment? Oh well, let's see, I felt overjoyed that I got to kiss Louis' precious lips, but a stab of hurt flooded through me as he pushed me away. I thought he liked me? What happened? I got up and frowned, I got out of Louis bedroom making my way downstairs. I passed by Alexis' room, so thankful that she had to go into work late. I went downstairs and I saw Lou on the couch in front of the television. I frowned and stood in front of him, blocking the TV.

"Hey! Get outta the way!" He tried pushing me out the way yet failing due to my larger amount of strength.


"What do you even want?"

"I want to know why you just stormed off like that."

"You're my sister's boyfriend, get a grip."

My jaw clenched at those words. What has gotten into him?

"Why the sudden change of heart?"

"There is no change..."

"Really? Because a few days ago, you were drooling over me." I laughed softly. He stood up with his arms crossed, staring up at me. He tried looking tough, but it failed and he just ended up looking fucking adorable.

"I like someone else, okay."

Jealousy wiped me as he said that. Oh hell no, nobody's taking MY Louis. I just smirked at him and sat on the couch. I pulled him onto my lap with his back against my chest, just like in my dream.

"Oh? Lou has a new crush? I bet I can make you like me." He rolled my eyes after I said that.

"Oh yeah? Go ahead. Try me."

I bit my lip and gripped his hips and slowly grinding up against him. I felt him tense up as I let my hands run down his chest then slipping into his loose shirt and he let out a small, soft groan.

"Gladly." I smirked as I had thoughts about what was going to happen.

Sorry Alexis, I'm about to take your brother's virginity.

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