Do you have a girlfriend?

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Phil: hey Dan?
Dan: what?
Phil: OK! Hey I thought you blocked me?
Dan: I did but I saw your text after I accidentally unblocked you.
Phil: oh well I wanted to ask you something
Dan: before you do can I know why u want to know where I live?
Phil: well...
Dan: what?
Phil: I want to know where you live because I want to meet your family.
Dan: dude are you dumb?
Phil: huh?
Dan: you're so stupid we go to the SAME school!
Phil: but we have no classes together.
Dan: true but we see each other in the hall.
Phil: that's not enough!
Phil: OK fine I want to confess my love to you Dan!
Dan: 1.ew gross 2.the principal will expell you 3.I'm NOT gay!!!!
Phil: hey thnx!
Dan: ???
Phil: you just gave me a great idea!
Dan: oi what is it?
Phil: something
Dan: oh no plz whatever it is don't do it!
Phil: sorry already done
Dan: fudge
Phil: what
Dan: nothing
Phil: OK?
Dan: hey it's a MY business
Phil: hey random question
Dan: OK?
Phil: do you have a...
Dan: what?
Phil: a girlfriend?
Dan has blocked you AGAIN!
Phil: WHY! =(

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