Friday, October 20, 2017

22 1 14

I wanna wake up... Can't even tell if this is a dream... How did we end up in my neighbors pool, upside-down with a perfect view... -Panic! at the Disco

Fact of the day: Pigs can't look at the sky

Questions! Ready? You answer, then I will. (Because I'm weird)

1. Hello. Wassup?                       

The ceiling, of course, for me.

2. How was your day?                                                                                                                                                        

Mine was shitty.

3. What's your fave FOB song?                                                                                                                                      

The Mighty Fall

4. What about Panic! at the Disco? Fave song?                                                                                                        

Probably This is Gospel.

5. MCR?


6. What time is it while you're reading this?

Surprisingly, NINE IN THE AFTERNOON! (that's PM, right?)

7. Spotify, Pandora, or YouTube (for music)

Spotify, sometimes YouTube

8. Pepperoni, Cheese, other (if so, which and why?), or I don't like pizza?

Depends. If it's white sauce, Cheese, if its not, Pepperoni

9. Your opinion on Young Justice?

I was whelmed until I got traught and now i'm feeling the aster and you can be as chalant as you like with me because i'm turbed, noted i'm in renial. (aster and whelmed aren't trying to be autocorrected? someone tell me plz) 

10. Do you use txt slang?

Umm heck yeah boi! (or gurl)

Wow that was fast and gue- look what you made me do is playing on my computer. oh god. ok imma change it, my other chapters might be short like this, or the 1how was your day? could be longer. PS does anyone know the look what you made me do meme is?

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