Saturday, October 21, 2017

9 1 3

Fact of the day: You can remember the value of Pi (3.1415926) by counting each word's letters in "May I have a large container of coffee?"

Word of the day: Seldom, which basically means rarely

I get headaches.

It happens to me when an annoying lil bitch in my school speaks. I'm not even sure it's HUMAN. So I will be calling The Bitch TB.

Going from most common to rarely common The symptoms are:

1. Internal cussing

2. Roasting TB (It's easy to do!)

3. A headache

4.  Getting into an argument

5. Stabbing TB in your mind

6. Internal planning to kill TB

7. Playing your favorite band/s to tune TB out (like MCR, P!aTD, FOB, you get it.)

8. Wishing to throw up on TB

9. Wishing to leave you school

10. Wishing to destroy him and everyone he loves.

Roses are red

just like my knife

when i'm done with you

blood will fly high

Do you have anyone like this in your life?

bye -The emotional bean 

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