Chapter 20

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To be honest, despite what Dara said to me when we fought, I wanted to go to talk to her after the show. After I heard her discussion with Nancy and Diana, I really wanted to clarify this situation. Even if it implies me admiting that I am in love with her. But, after the show, she was nowhere to be found. I bet that she left quickly so that I don't find her. I was about to go to the hotel, when I saw that it was raining heavily and thundering. Hm, it's kinda strange that is it thundering in November.
Anyway, I took a taxi and I arrived at the hotel. I was heading towards the elevator as I was too lazy to walk and the lights went off. I guess the electricity went off because of the thunders. It was freaking dark. I couldn't see even 10cm in front of me.  And I wasn't wearing my glasses even though I think they wouldn't have helped in this darkness. The next second after the lights went off, someone grabbed my right hand. Before I even got the chance to react in any way, she started speaking, actually whispering, and yes, it was Dara:"Hey". I was surprised to see her here, now. Anyway, as I replied to her, the lights turned on:"What, Dara?" I said with an annoyed voice. She said, looking staight into my eyes:"I want to talk to you". I rolled my eyes and I went towards the elevator. It was an impulsive decision, I know, but at the same time, I didn't want to let her speak because I don't need any messed up feelings anymore. She followed me and said, with a begging voice:"Please listen to me". I pressed the button which opened the elevator and I gave a short reply:"Why?". As the elevator came, I got on it and Dara followed me. She said:"Because I want to apologize". The elevator doors closed and it started going up to the floor that my room was at. I asked:"Why? What is the point Dara? Just to fight again?". As the elevator was close to the floor that I wanted to go to, the electricity went off again:the elevator stopped and the lights went off. Brilliant! Dara hugged me tightly as the electricity went off and I hugged her back, keeping her close. I stayed quiet and she started crying. I was freaking confused. Is she crying because of the electricity problem?!...or? And speaking of this, should we do anything about it? Are we supposed to wait till there is electricity again? I thought of asking Dara why she was crying, but I was afraid that I would make it only worse so I kept being quiet and I started to rub her back soothingly. She said quietly:"I just wanna be honest with you...". I was more confused now this whole situation was freaking creepy, so I replied only with a quiet "Okay..." and I kept hugging her. She said quietly, while I could hear that she was sti crying slightly:"I love you...". I was litetally shocked by what I had just heard. I gave no reply as I needed time to process everything, but she continued:"Look, I still remember when you called me desperate for sex when we fought the first time. I still remember my silly explanation. I know I said I did this for you,  and that I wanted to let you try anything you wanted with me because you were  my friend....but I...I lied. The truth is....I was in love with you...I thought that if we do it, you would fall in love with me too. I know I am stupid, I know this is not how you make someone fall in love with you but...I'm can hate me more have the right to..". OMG. WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT DID I JUST HEARD?! How am I supposed to react to this?! I swear that I never expected this! I never expected her to have felt that way. What the hell?! Dara is in love with me too?! What the hell? And my assuptions that she felt nothing for me were all fake? Am I so freaking stupid and paranoic?! Maybe I should tell her what I am feeling too. But I can't. I am too shocked to even open my mouth.
Immediately, the lights turned on, and the elevator doors opened. Uhm, this felt pretty awkward. So, I stopped hugging Dara as the doors opened and I headed towards my hotel room in a rush. I know it was the worse decision that I could have ever made. I should have told my feelings to her. But...I was too afraid. I don't even understand myself why to be honest, but I simply was afraid.

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