Chapter 4 - Are you serious, Dad?

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Damian's POV

Of course, I'm in trouble again! What else is new? Valentino turns into a girl and finally into a complete walking joke — and me along with him, but I'm the one who's acting out of place! No I don't, Dad! How can the others of the pack accept me as their Alpha when they already laugh at me because my little brother is completely crazy — and soon he will be my little sister? Are you kidding me?

Frustrated, I stroked through my light blonde, wild-styled hair while I followed father along the corridor.

How is it possible? The doc must be mistaking! Maybe it's a sick joke? I know it isn't! Why should it be? And the others of our pack want think it's a joke either! They'll probably think we're the most ridiculous werewolf family of all time! And right they are! No doubt about that! I've never heard of such a transformation! It must be a curse — and the name of the curse that's tormenting my family is Valentino!

We go down the stairs leading to the ground floor of the cottage. After father and I left the room in which doomsday took place, he commanded me to be quiet until we reach his study, where he'll probably rip my head off.

I don't even want to imagine what the other werewolves will say about this news, especially the guys of my gang! Joe will be the worst of all! He's already making silly comments and jokes about Valentino, and he will go wild as soon as my little brother's breasts grow and ... Valentino with breasts and a ...? Oh no! I think I'm the one who's going wild — right now! This must be a nightmare. Oh please, goddess of the moon, let it be a nightmare and make me wake up!

"After you", Father orders sternly while he is holding the door for me. He's still fuming with rage because he slams the door shut, stamps behind his desk and growls: "Sit down! Immediately! And keep on being quiet!" I obey again and place my behind on the blood-red-padded chair, which stands in front of the massive dark-brown desk. At the same time, the man who obviously struggles with his inner beast takes a seat in an antique armchair that's also blood-red. He leans on his elbows, crosses his fingers in front of his strong chest and stares at me with a stinging gaze out of his dark gray eyes. It's hard to take, but I try. He's breathing heavily, as if he was carrying the burden of the world on his shoulders, which is partly true — it's not exactly the burden of the world, but of his pack. Apart from his eye colour and his light blonde military haircut, I am a younger version of him, but this applies only to our physical appearance. Character wise we are completely different.

This will get really ugly! He was never this mad at me!

He sits motionless like a wolf on the hunt, waiting for the right moment to strike a deer. It's either that or he wants to calm down, to keep the conversation as objective as possible. That's probably more like it, because that how he is and how I should be. Unfortunately I'm way too impulsive. In the mean time his stinging gaze gets through to me. I turn my head aside and look out the window. Of course, I know that I should have better control over my behaviour, but Valentino should too. His strange ways have strained my nerves system to the limit, so it's no surprise that I always freak out lately. I love my father, he's my role model, but it upsets me that he simply doesn't want to understand me.

Why can't he just get started, so I can get out of here? I've had enough for today — and all because of Valentino! If I were the Alpha, I would order the little pest to get his act together, or he would stay in the house! That day will come! In a year's tie everything will be very different, as soon as Dad finally steps down!

I'm glad that I broke the link with the others of our pack during the conversation with Joseph. If Father would know what I'm thinking at the moment, I would be in even more trouble. The justified rage has me firmly under control and makes it difficult for me to sit still. Nevertheless, I force myself to do so.

By The Sparkle Of The Moonlight (Watty2017)Where stories live. Discover now