The beginning

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July 7, x777

Lillian's POV

Wendy shakes me awake. "Lilly! Lilly! Grandene and Siren are gone!" She yells in worry.

"What? But they never leave without telling us where they are going!" Wendy and I run out in the woods to look for them only to come across a guy with blue hair. We learned his name's Jellal. We traveled with him for a few weeks but something was starting to happen to him. He told me one night while Wendy was asleep he had to leave and do something, he would drop us off at a near by guild. I agreed to it. When we got there I met a ton of different people. They called themselves Cait Shelter. That is where our journey began.

X784 Seven years later.

"Please come with me. It'll be fun." Wendy said trying to convince me to come with her on a grouped guild job.

"Sure but you have to promise me you'll stay safe!" I said.

"Okay! Let's go!" She said happily.

Grey's POV

We were waiting on the last guild members to arrive.

"I heard Cait Shelter was only sending one member to help." Juga said.

"That must mean this guys strong!" Flame Head said excitingly. Just then a little girl ran in and tripped.

"Ouch!" She squeaked "Sorry to keep you all waiting"

"Told you you shouldn't run. Did you listen? No." a girl about Erza's height said. "Jes Wen I said I'd come if you stay out of harms way."

"Sorry Lilly."

"It's okay. Hi! Name's Lillian Marvell and this is my sister Wendy Marvell. Sorry we're late we got lost on the way here." Lillian said.

"Well we coulda help ya if you asked. I mean ya left me and sis to worry about ya." a male flying Orange cat said.

"Goodness child don't do that again. You make me agree with this idiot." a female flying white cat said.

"Carla! Conner! Sorry we just were in a rush." Wendy said. This was going to be an interesting adventure.

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