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Imagine that you are living in the year 2260, when people inherit special talents from their parents. And the current President of the United States, a person with an unusual talent decides to use it to silence the state that are beyond the authority. At the age of 15 you must access Control, and if you don't pass- then you're coming back to you family wihout voice or the support of the State and you must survive alone. Or the opposite - the rest of your life you do not have to worry about if you can without specialists to cure pneumonia. What do you think?

In such a world was born Sophie, 200 years after the huge earthquake caused by the recoil of the Pacific tectonic plate. The human race almost extinct, and to save it, they had to start breed them. Like plants. They were called Atypical.

Sophie is diffrent from other people. On her Control happens something unimaginable and since then, girl and her mother are constantly observed. As a result they come to Ireland, where the secrets from the past suddenly come to light and may help the girl and others protesting people come to it's former power. Here begins the stairs and Sophie has to answer the question-how she can live in a world where everything depends on what talent Atypical has, and those without such ancestors die before "the incorrect" step?

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