Chapter 1: Sol

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" is college going, Wayne?" Queen Star asked. King Marco and Queen Star always kept an eye out on Wayne Silverstone when the prince and his twin brother, Ryder, visited.

Wayne and Ryder were identical twins, both dark haired and green eyed. Their height pushed over six feet, towering over my twin and I. They were very attractive, at least that's what Luna said.

I never thought so, they were like brothers to me. We play together when we were kids. I've seen them with mud and icky stuff all over them. I had zero romantic feelings for any of them. And that was a problem. Because since we were all fourteen, we've been engaged to one another.

I was engaged to Wayne. Some day in the distance future (two years), I'd be Sol Silverstone, Queen of Caldor. I didn't want to be. Wayne was cold and mean, he never smiled or joked around or laughed. And i mean NEVER. He was like a freaking statue.

Brushing my dark brown hair out of my face, I turned to Wayne. I could see him suppressing a frown as he answered. "Very well, Your Majesty." He green eyes flickered in annoyance before going back and staring at the wall.

My dad, King Marco, thinly smiled. Concern and caution rolling in his glance. He turned to Ryder, his grin turning genuine. "How are your studies, Ryder? I heard you won your college football game. All by yourself apparently."

Ryder stopped whispering to Luna and beamed at us.

Like I was engaged to Wayne, Luna and Ryder were to marry too. But those two actually loved one another. Their relationship was so cute and sweet and sugary, you needed to brush your teeth after being near them.

"Classes are good," Ryder replied, taking Luna's hand in his. He brushed a strand of hair out of her face, tucking it gently behind her ear. "A bit boring but nothing I can't handle. And the football team gives me too much credit. They all helped."

Wayne stood up suddenly, making my parents frown. Turning to me, he held his hand out politely. "Care to join me on a walk throughout the gardens?" A warning in his eyes made me nod.

"Okay," I quickly said, standing up. I brightly smiled at my mom and dad. Star started to object before Marco placed a hand on hers to keep her calm.

Wayne tugged me to the door as he took long steps. He released my hand the moment the door closed, scowling and wiping it on his black pants. "Your hands are so childlike," he grumbled. "Then again you are a child. Who the hell would think a twenty-six and twenty year old should ever marry? Fucking disgusting." He strode off, heading away from the visiting room. He didn't even head toward the gardens.

I felt my face burn as I wiped my own hand on my dress. "You don't have to be so mean."

"Shut up," he snapped. he walked back over to me, forcing me to back up against the wall. His hand punched the wall beside my head, an ancient picture falling to the ground. "I have no idea why Ryder is so damn cheerful all the time. The Butterfly-Diaz family is fucking insane and useless. You couldn't even win War for Mewni without another kingdom helping you."

Anger clouded my head and I pushed him away, making him stumble a bit. My eyes burned with unshed tears. "You're such an ass!" I retreated down the hall, my throat and hands trembling in anger. I kept my eyes on him, pleased with the surprise evident on his face. I had never laid hands on him until that moment. "You should leave. Now. Before I tell the King that you need to leave."

I backed up some more until I walked into someone. I tripped over the hem of my skirt and landed against their chest. A pair of solid hands wrapped around my bare shoulders to keep me from falling.

"Careful there, Sol." A deep voice said next to my ear. "Are you having problems?" The person spun me around, forcing me to look up and face them.

I had to tilt my head up, Lucifer Lucitor was tall as crap. As the next demon King of the Underworld, he liked making the peaceful relationship between Mewni and Hell even more peaceful. His parents, King Tom and Queen Janna, were friends with my parents. They'd known each other for ages.

So to keep their friendship alive, they made Luna and I play with Sif (Lucifer's nickname) whenever they come over. Sif was my best friend, even if he was one year younger than me, making him nineteen at the present time and me twenty.

Despite his nineteen years of age, he looked older, not at all a teenager. He was tall and all hard with muscle. His red and black striped hair was spiked up and because his mom was full human, he had no horns unlike his father.

And even though Wayne was older, Sif and Wayne were the same height and the same build.

I stared into Sif's dark burgundy eyes, and looked away. I stepped out of his grasp, pulling at my hair. "Of course not," I chirped falsely. "I was just telling Wayne that the gardens were in the opposite directions." I gestured vaguely to the west of Butterfly Castle.

"Mhmm." Sif hummed sarcastically. He narrowed his gaze dangerously at Wayne, taking a tiny step toward him. "If you ever threaten her again, it'll be the last thing you ever do."

Wayne's face went red with anger. He snorted, turning around before leaving the castle.

I clasped my shaky hands together, hiding them behind my back. Sif knew when I felt uneasy. "What are you doing here, Sif?" I felt embarrassed that he had witnessed the little scene.

He raised a dark eyebrow, frowning in confusion. "Your parents told me to come and chaperone the four of you. You guys are going out for dinner or something. I thought you knew."

I waved away the silly claim. "You have nothing to worry about. Wayne and I will never be anything, we don't even hold hands." He walked me back to the parlor.

Sif laughed. "It's not you and Wayne they're worried about. It's Ryder and Luna." Sif rubbed the back of his neck, his hands brushing against the white collar of his suit. Like his father, he liked putting flowers, withered or burning, in the pocket of his suits.

"Yes," I jokingly said, "the two love birds. They've loved each other since they were kids."

"I still remember how deliriously happy they were when they found out they were destined to be together," Sif chuckled. He shook his head. The grin melting off his face. "I never even had a chance."

A weird pang ran through me. The night that our parents had announced our engagement to the Silverstones was the night that Sif had wanted to confess his love for Luna. That obviously didn't work out.

I awkwardly patted his arm. "I'm sorry."

He aimed another grin down at me. "It's fine. She obviously wasn't for me." Wistfulness crossed his facial features. "Besides, she isn't the one I love anymore."

"Who is?"

He pressed his lips together. "I'm not telling you. Come on, we have to give Luna time to change before dinner."

He walked me back to the room where my mom and dad waited. All the while trying to figure out who the girl he loved was.

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