Another You

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As I woke up, I could smell food coming from downstairs. As I sat up I started thinking of the conversation I had with my cousin Phil last night. He had asked me to go on tour with them and be their merch girl. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do it yet though. 

I got up and walked downstairs humming I heard Phil and Austin talking about some random and weird shit as always.

As i arrived in the kitchen I saw Austin’s eyes go wide and he started laughing.

“What?” I said in a snotty tone.

“Nice hair.” he chuckled.

I turned around and walked in the bathroom as I looked at my complexion.

“Damn! I look hot.” I exclaimed as I brushed through the tangles in my hair. 

“I know right.?” Austin replied.

 I turned around and walked back to the kitchen and decided to make a pot of coffee for everyone since Phil didn’t yet.

“Anyways, are you going to do merch for us? Or have you not decided yet.” Phil asked.

“I don’t know, I mean what about my job at the aquarium?” I asked

“Well, it’s up to you. But the guys and I would love to have you on tour with us.”

“I tell you if I’ll take it before the days up.”

“Alrighty.” Phil replied.

“Well, I am going to go get ready for work.” I walked back upstairs and entered my bedroom. I walked over to my phone looking through my new text messages. One new message from my cute lil hawaiian friend Shauntae (one of my good friends since 6th grade)

‘So are you going to take it.’

‘Maybe...? What do you think?’ I replied

Then there was another text from Alan.


‘Maybe baby cx’ 

I sat my phone back down as I turned my stereo on to a Grouplove song. I went over to my closet and looked for my kaki pants and my aquarium shirt. I slipped off my baggy ‘Save the animals’ t-shirt and slipped my clothes on. As I walked over to my desk where I put my makeup on I heard my phone buzz. 

“Oohh baby huh... xD?” from Alan.

“Get your butt in my room and give me company.” I replied

I started putting my eye liner on and I saw Alan standing behind me.

“Ooh someones sneaky.” I laughed

He fell back into my bed and said “PLEASE COME WITH US..?”

“Stop begging Mr. Whiny Baby, and besides I just might. But the only thing I don’t want to leave is my job.”

He just sat there and looked up at the ceiling and sighed. I put my liner down and looked in the mirror once again. I got up and went to set beside him. 

“You know what Alan?”

“What Katie?..”

“You are literally my best friend and I have no clue what I’d do without you.” I said falling beside him.

“And you Katie are my absolute best friend also.” he said sitting up.

“What time is it..?” I said groaning.

“9:30 whiny butt.”

I stood up and walked over to my closet in search of my beat up navy toms. I grabbed them and some half socks and threw them on as I sat back down. As I was putting my shoes on I saw Alan stand up and walk over to me and he sat on my lap. 

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