Day off

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You awoke with another blanket on you that you were sure had been on the end of your bed last night. Had you been sleepwalking? You looked around and saw nothing out of place so you decided that maybe you had gotten up to get another blanket and just didn't remember. 

Your curiosity turned to excitement as you realized that it was your day off. You stretched and got up to get changed, almost falling. You looked down at the floor and realized that there was soot everywhere. "Strange" you muttered to yourself, had one of your machines malfunctioned or something? Everything seemed to be in place and you began wondering if you had locked your door last night. You shrugged and hooked your arm back into the metal bracket connected to your shoulder before continuing with your morning duties. After changing, brushing your teeth, and brushing your hair; you walked back over to your bed. You began folding the blanket when you noticed soot on it as well, was.... was Junkrat in your room? 

Curiosity got the best of you, but how could you ask him? You couldn't just walk up and ask him on the off chance that he was in your room, that would just be a really weird conversation that you aren't ready for. You sighed, realizing that there was really no good way to ask and now that it's over, what's the point? Today was the day that you decided you were going down to the mall on the motorcycle you had in the garage. Something you bought that didn't work at first, however, after tinkering for a while it was finally up and running. The thrill you felt riding on the motorcycle was rather enjoyable. 

You pulled your hair back and grabbed your helmet. Time to go ride for 5 minutes to a mall that supposedly has boba tea, hopefully they had mango. You walked out of your room, locking the door behind you and slipping your key into your coat pocket. You turned and walked down the long hallway, seeing the exit before you heard your name being called. "Oi, [y/n]!" You didn't need to turn around to know that it was Junkrat, and because you were in such a pleasant mood, you didn't feel the need to be rude so you turned around.

"Hey, are you going out?" he asked, "Yes, why?" you raised an eyebrow as he looked down nervously, "Well, me mate Roadhog don't want to leave and if you're going out. I was wondering." He looked around and scratched his neck, "Uh, could I come?" he asked with a smile. "Yeah sure" you said waving your hand toward the direction of the garage. 

He looked flabbergasted "Wait, really?" he asked, you nodded and hummed. "Sure, I'm going down to the mall though, any place you had in mind?" you asked, he smiled brightly, "Nope! I just wanted to go to the mall, they have boba tea there." You blinked in disbelief, "Wait really? I was going to go check but they seriously have boba tea?" you asked, excited that there was finally some friggen boba tea. 

"You like boba tea?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear. "Uh, is water wet? Of course I do, boba tea is the best!" He cackled and said "Wow, I thought everyone else hated it. Road-y never wants to take me cause he doesn't like it." he said, gesturing back to Roadhog's room. "Well, c'mon. We aren't getting any younger." you said as you both started walking to the garage. 

"Oi don't think I've ever seen your car" Junkrat said as you both entered the garage, "Probably cause it's a motorcycle" you said walking over to it. You got the extra seat onto the motorcycle and grabbed the extra helmet you had in here, it was black. You tossed it to him "Put it on, I don't want you dying if we get hit." you said, though it wouldn't be much of a help since he isn't even wearing a shirt. 

"Uh, you want a coat or something?" you asked, he snapped out of his silent daze "Oi'll be fine shella" he grinned and you shrugged. Getting on the motorcycle and waiting for Junkrat to get on, you smirked at his attempts to put on the helmet, it looked like he'd never used one before. "Do you need help?" you asked, holding back a laugh. "No. Oi got this" he said, determined to put it on. You sighed, getting off the motorcycle and helping him put it on while he stood there with his arms crossed.

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