Chapter 2

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I was lying on my bed thinking about my day in school, and the new guy.

He was all I could even manage to think of right then, and suddenly I heard my mom yelling for me to go and eat.But I wasn't hungry, even though it was my favourite food.

Right then I was wondering if I would see him the next day, and as my mind was set on this thought, I slowly dropped to sleep.


"Get up Chelsea!!!"
That familiar sound of my mom shouting at me to get up was no different today.

Usually I would walk lazily to the bath and take my precious time, but today I jumped straight out of bed, into the bath and readied in a flash.

My mom was pretty surprised and she asked me if I was all right. I said yes, which was true but I was excited to see of I would see the guy.

I gobbled down my breakfast and rushed to the pleace where the train would come. There I met my friends and they were looking at me and giigling, so I asked what happened. They replied "As if you don't know!"

I was lost, and had no idea of what they were talking about, and then one of them said, we know you were trying to flirt with that new guy yesterday.


"Where did you guys get that from?"
"We saw you."
"I was just talking to him, is it a crime to talk to someone? "I asked.
"No, but your cheeks are red, someone has a cruuushhhh!😉"they taunted.
Ugh, this was like the last thing I wanted, so I just moved away.

When I entered the train sadly, he was not there, and I felt sooo disappointed.


I am currently in my class room, and we have a free period, so my friend asked me to play truth and dare with them. I willingly agreed, because this was usual, but I did not know they had something planned for me.

Heyyyy u guys, I am rele sry that I did not update sooner, but I am so caught up with homework, assignments and tests.I know this chapter sounds terribly boring, but I promise the next will be spicy and interesting.
❤u guys😘

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2017 ⏰

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