[21] Marshmallows and Cats

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Areum's POV-
"I'm. . .cat-sitting?. . . And with Daniel?. . .," I questioned. The weekdays were over and it was Saturday! Yay! Practice ended an hour ago, it ran from 8:0o am to 12:00 pm, and I was back at the base. I took a shower immediately when I got back, and now we're having a conversation during lunch about Daniel and I cat-sitting. . .

"Yep! You're not allergic are you?," JinYoung asked out of concern.

"No, but- Why are we cat-sitting?," I asked again still not believing the situation we're talking about.

"We're watching my cats," Daniel stated happily, "My parents usually watch them, but they'll be going off on a vacation for a week. They asked me to watch them for the weekend 'till Monday when their neighbor will be back to take care of them."

"Yongguk Hyung will be here too!," Daehwi chirped, "He has two cats called Tolby and. . . I forgot the other kitten's name, but they're siblings! Brother and sister!"

"Huh. . . Okay then. . .," I trailed off, "Well. . . I don't mind watching them. It's a chance for a little bit of normal in a world of chaos," I grinned, "When will the cats be-," the doorbell rang and Daniel got up, "Well I guess that's the cats. . .and possibly Yongguk too!" I got up from my seat to greet whoever was at the door and it Yongguk with four cats.

"Wow. . . I'm Areum," I greeted since I've never seen him before, "It's nice to meet you." Daniel and I let him inside and I held one of the cat's inside while Daniel carried two and Yongguk carried.

"I'll go get the bags in the car," Daniel stated, setting down the two cats, and leaving me in the living room with Yongguk.

"So. . .," I trailed off trying to cut through the awkward silence. . . I'm pretty sure I made it worse!

"I'm Yongguk," he greeted finally, "It's nice to meet you, Areum-shi."

"You don't have to use honorifics, I don't mind," I assured casually, "So. . . Which two are your cats? I was told by Daehwi that you have two?"

"Oh! Yeah, this ones Tolby," he pointed and petted a black cat with a white belly and paws, "And this one," he carried a light grey striped kitten with a few black strips, and a white belly like Tolby's, "Is Lucy! She's Tolby's younger sister," Yongguk grinned.

(A/N: I watched an episode of JBJ Just Be Joyful.  That's how I know this.  I'm not a stalker I promise!  Also side note: Check out JBJ Just Be Joyful!   The first four episodes are on vlive in English Subs already!)

I chuckled at the boy's admiration for his cats, "I can tell you like them quite a bit. Can I hold one?," I asked.

"Of course!," Yongguk chirped, and he handed me Lucy, and she began purring in my arms and snuggling into them, "Wow~. . .," Yongguk trailed off in surprise.


"Lucy usually doesn't like others. . . It's hard for her to get used to new people. . .," he explained, "She must like your heart and personality."

"My heart and personality?," I questioned while lifting up Lucy, and setting her down to play with Tolby and Daniel's cats.

"Mhm," Yongguk hummed, "She's still a kitten so she can 'sense' the good in people very well. . . You must be a very nice person," he smiled at me genuinely.

"Nice isn't exactly the first word people would use to describe me. . .," I trailed off, chuckling awkwardly.

"Whether it's the first word or not, apparently that doesn't matter to Lucy," Yongguk smirked playfully and went off to greet the other members of Wanna-One.

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