~4 || Defended

207 10 14

How much longer?....ughhhh


I anxiously tapped my pencil on the edge of my desk, staring blankly at the clock above Mr.Gildarts's head.

The first day was always the most boring.

Every now and then I would try to tune into what he was saying but all I would hear is "Blah Blah Blah School Work Blah Blah Blah My Family Blah Blah Blah No Late Work Blah Blah Blah Tardy Policies."

I hate how teachers get mad if a student falls asleep in class. But they keep talking about their family, like we care!

Some of us come here to get away from our so called "families".

But at least I'm in Highschool. I could still be stuck in Elementary and have to make those stupid Mother's day/Father's day cards for parents I DON'T have. And when I tried to explain to them, they would tell me to make one for Master José... CRINGE.


The clock continues to tick by slowly, as if it knows every student is waiting for the bell to ring.

And it's only third period... At least lunch is after this..

Oh wait..
That means more time with...

I instantly grimace and regret my hope of this class ending.

I began to tap my pencil even more furiously as I thought of what Bora would do to me.

Maybe I should listen to the teacher, things will seem more boring and take longer.

"Blah Blah Blah My daughter Blah Blah Blah My vacation Blah Blah Blah Ms.Lockser Blah Blah Ms.Lockser Blah Ms.Lockser!"

"Huh?" I glance up quickly from my desk to see my teacher staring at me.
"I said," Mr.Gildarts scolded, his hand in a fist, "stop tapping the pencil!"

"Oh hai Sensei!" I replied quickly, a slight blush creeping to my cheeks as everyone in the room stared at me.

Great... so much for not attracting any attention

Everyone eventually turned around to face Mr.Gildarts again, well everyone except the white haired kid in front of me.

He continued to stare.

When I finally looked up to make eye contact with him, he smiled and turned back around.

Well that was weird.

He seemed older than me, maybe a junior? Well it seemed possible since I'm in Math 3, unlike most people my age.

I have always liked math.

Too bad I'm stuck with this weirdo.

The bell rang, signaling for lunch.

I was the first one up and out the door, my fellow classmates close behind.
I followed the crowd to what I assumed was the quad.

A Puddle of Hope (gRuViA fAnFiC) **On Hiatus**Where stories live. Discover now