Reality Check

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Growing up in a small town meant that very little happened, except when children got their quirks. It was always a huge celebration even if it was the smallest change. I was so excited for my quirk to appear that I hadn't realized that I may get a 'Bad' quirk. It all happened one day when a bully used his quirk to barge his way to the front of the line for a slide. Irritated and tired of his shenanigans I grabbed the slide yelling at him, and just like that it happened. The slide fell apart, bolts and all just as he went down. The adults originally chalked it up to faulty or old screws, but I could feel it in my hands. A rush of energy like it was forced to happen. From then on, everything I touched broke or malfunctioned. Pencils would snap between my fingers, pulling out my seat would cause the legs to fall off, etcetera.

"Did you hear about that girl?"
"Yes, I hear everything she touches breaks."
"What if she touches my kids!?"
"She's going to grow up to be a villain for sure."
"They should lock her up before she does something horrible."

It seemed like my celebration was more of a witch hunt. My father who was a retired hero, Luck of The Draw (Lucky for short), who had powers to sway luck in his favor tried to cheer me up. "Come on kitten, I am sure that your powers can be used for good." He smiled petting my head. "Here I got these custom made just for you." Handing me a pair of black gloves, I clenched them in my hands tightly trying to hold my feelings in. "What was mommies quirk?" I asked looking up at him as he rubbed his neck awkwardly.

Turns out my mother was my father's nemesis. Her villain name was Black Cat, her quirk swayed bad luck where ever she went just as my fathers swayed luck. They were perfect enemies, but sometimes opposites attract. She wanted to take care of me, but she feared that her quirk would cause me harm if my father wasn't near. He said they canceled each other out which is what brought them together in the first place. To protect me she went into hiding and even he did not know where she was in fear he'd follow her.

He knew what was being said about me, to his dismay there was little he could do without stoking the fire. "Prove them wrong." He encouraged. "Prove them that you can become a hero!" Those words made my heart fly, and so I wanted to fulfill those goals my dad had set for me.

When I got older my father signed me up for the entrance exam for AU aiming high for me. "Don't worry Hinaco, I am sure you could make it into the highest rank if you put your heart into it." He cheered me on, but I could feel my anxiety kicking in.

Putting my books away in my bag at school one day I over heard a group of boys talking. "Pssh did you hear that the witch wants to go into AU!?" One of the bullies in the class mocked glancing at me. "Really now!?" The guy I had broken the slide on when we were little scoffed slamming his fist through my desk. Throwing my hands over my head I cried out, frightened. "Look she gets scared after just a little punch like that, ha! Think you are AU material my ass!" He boasted. Tears brimming around my eyes I grabbed the remains of my stuff before heading out.


"Why do you want to aim for the General Department, I am sure with you grades and skills you could easily make it in the top class."

"I don't know dad, I just don't think being out in the open would be so good for me. Maybe if I work my way up I could be, but as I am right now I don't know..." I mumbled as he clasped my shoulders. "Alright kitten, we will work at your pace." He smiled.

I was so lucky to have a supportive dad, I took him for granted. If I didn't have him I may have tread down the wrong path like mom had. He said that she was good deep down, just misunderstood....


Getting into the General Department wasn't too difficult, it seemed my luck was changing. Smiling to myself when I sat myself down in my seat giggling a little finally realizing my dreams. "Hey witch girl!" I heard a familiar voice call making my heart sink into the very pits of my stomach. "You think just because you wormed your way into AU doesn't mean that the teachers won't notice you!" He growled.

Getting my guts together I decided to finally stick up for myself. "My name is not witch it-it's Hinaco!" I blurted out standing up from my seat gripping my hands tightly. "Like I care you witch, you think the teachers won't notice a villain hiding in plain sight?!"

"I am not a villain, I will be a hero! I will...I..." Feeling my tough composure wither away I slowly slumped down as he began to laugh. Tearing up, I shuddered as darkness crept back into my heart. "See, can't even take the truth." He mused at my sorrow.

"Hey, big guy with the dumb head." A unfamiliar voice called. "Think picking on helpless girls is a hero thing to do? I'd say I am looking at the villain here." Glancing over a tall boy with purple hair and eyes made his way over to us with a glum composure.

"Whats it to ya!?" The bully scoffed puffing out his chest before freezing completely. His once boasting stature turned stiff and rigged. The purple haired boy glanced at me as I wiped away my tears quickly trying to hide my weakness.

"Leave her alone or suffer my wraith." The purple haired guy warned.  Suddenly nodding his head the bully trembled before suddenly dropping his shoulders into a more relaxed state. "Ugh you guys are both freaks that deserve each other!" He yelled before running out of the room.

"Are you okay?" He asked turning his sleepy looking gaze to the fleeing boy with a groan. "Um, yeah, thanks for helping. I-uh...My name is Hinaco!" I blurted out flinging my hand up awkwardly for a hand shake. He looked down at my gloved hands before taking it. "I am Hitoshi Shinsou." He introduced taking my hand gently. "Is your quirk touch based?" He asked pointing at my hands. Quickly hiding them behind my back I sweat a little, not wanting to scare off my new potential friend. "Don't worry I won't judge." He assured me.

"Y-yeah...Everything I touch without them breaks or stops working, they say its Touch of Bad Luck." I admitted laughing awkwardly. "Hmm, so thats why he called you a witch huh?" I flinched shaking a little bit with a small nod. "My quirk is Brainwashing, so I am in the same boat as you."

Stiffening up I felt a sigh of relief wash over me, he probably went through just as much trouble as I did. There was someone out there like me who knew how I felt. "That is so cool!" I yelled grabbing his hands to his surprise. "Can we be friends!?" I asked in a excited tone that scared him a little bit. He wasn't used to being approached in such a manner, especially with such enthusiasm. Smiling a bit to himself before turning to his normal tired expression. "Yeah sure."


During the sports festival I managed to get all the way to the cavalry battle. It felt good to use my powers without being judged. "Hinaco, why don't you join my group. I am sure we could use your power." The bully joked with a sly smirk. "All you'd have to do is touch another team and boom their down for the count." His words stopped me in my tracks, I could feel the color in my face drain. "I am sure breaking a few of their bones would fly with the judges, it wouldn't even look like you did it." He cackled knowing it was pushing all of my buttons.

"What is he telling you Hinaco." Shinsou asked grabbing the bully's shoulder with a glare. Shirking his hand off the bully scoffed. "Like its any of your damned business, all I am doing is telling her the truth." He growled stomping his way to his team who seemed amused at my torture.

"What he said was right, what if I touch someone with my powers and I hurt them or worse!?" I shook clenching my arms as if letting go would make me fall apart. Shinsou knew there was nothing he could say to console me, I was already deeply wrapped up in my fears. "How could I ever become a hero, I was kidding myself!" I cried falling to my knees.

"That's not true, you can still be a hero." He tried to comfort me, but it had little effect. Getting up I walked over to Midnight raising my hand. "I would like to please forfeit." I mumbled making her blink a little in surprise. "But you are barely half way through and you've made it this far." She gasped trying to understand my reasoning. "My quirks may harm others in this part of the Festival and I would rather not have causalities."

"Casualties?" Midnight mumbled before shrugging. "Then so be it." She said waving me off to Shinsou's dismay glancing over at the bullies team.

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