Fifty Fifty Shot

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Hiding under my blankets I cringed thinking about the sports festival. It was utterly shameful to drop out, but how would all of those heroes have thought of me if I broke some kids leg just by touching them!? Pulling the blanket closer to my body I heard a knock at my door. "Kitten, I know things haven't....Been so great lately so I made your favorite dinner, and dessert and-"

"Thats fine dad, I'm fine, everything's fine!" I yelled from under the blanket shuffling around a little bit. Hearing another knock at the door I growled to myself. "Dad I said I am fine!" I yelled as silence fell for a moment before a familiar voice answered. "It doesn't seem like it."

"Shinsou?" I mumbled before flushing because I was just in a t-shirt and my underwear. "Hold on I need to get dressed!" I yelled throwing off the blanket. "You don't have to yell and, its the middle of the day and you're not dressed?" He mumbled rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly standing at the door. "Sorry, she gets in these kind of ruts sometimes." My father apologized holding a sheet of cookies. Looking down, Shinso noticed they were completely perfect in both shape and texture, not a single burnt edge in sight. Looking back up at him he thought to himself a bit. "What is your quirk if I may ask." Shinso asked taking him off guard a little bit.

Throwing stuff around, trying to desperately tidy up I glanced around sighing. "Good enough for now I guess." Throwing open the door I interrupted them talking. "Ah Hinaco you are finally up, would you like a cookie?" My father asked with a large plastered smile. "No thanks dad." I mumbled with a plain expression. "I invited your friend hoping it'd cheer you up." He nudged Shinsou gently trying to draw my attention to him. "Dad I told you I was fine."

"Getting up in the middle of the day and not even dressed doesn't seem fine to me." Shinsou commented looking over at my father. "Actually that is her normally." He laughed giving away one of my secrets. "Dad!" I yelled pushing him out. "Just go, I'll be down in a bit!" I growled shoving him as he waved to Shinsou chuckling.

Walking back over to Shinsou, I sighed heavily gesturing to my room. "Make yourself at home I guess." I said flopping on the bed groaning. "Your dad was telling me about his quirk, I think I remember a hero with a similar quirk."

"Yeah..." I mumbled into the sheets rolling over wishing I could just vanish. "I wanted to try something if you don't mind." Shinsou said walking over, sitting beside me. "Huh, sure." I peeped with a light blush popping up from the sheets. "Let me see your hands." Uncurling myself from the blankets I showed him my gloved hands. Taking off one of the gloves making me retract it quickly. "What are you doing!?" I freaked out hiding my hands as if just looking at them would cause something bad to happen. "Hear me out on this, I just want to try it." Grabbing something from his back pocket he pulled out what looked like a broken cellphone. "I swiped this earlier from that bully as he was tossing it. He was complaining that his quirk caused him to break it so I thought it'd be a good subject to start with." He explained showing it to me, it seemed fairly damaged with a giant web like crack sprawled across it. "Now I want you to think of the happiest thought or memory you have and touch it."

Fidgeting a little bit I bit my lip, I guess it was better than trying it on a living being. Nodding my head I closed my eyes tightly thinking about all of the good things that happened in my life. Flashes of growing up with my dad caught my attention, but quickly changed to being bullied. It was hard to focus on the good memories when my mind liked to taunt me with the bad. "It doesn't have to be a real memory either, it could be something you really want or like too." Shinsou said probably noticing my trouble. Concentrating harder I reached out for the phone as a flash of a person's figure appeared. Grabbing the phone the figure cleared to Shinsou smiling at me. "Good it worked." He said as I opened my eyes to see the phone had turned on. "So what did you think of?" He asked looking at me with curiosity. "Uh huh, nothing, just my dad telling me I could be a hero!" I flailed accidentally throwing the phone. "Oops!" I yelled as it crashed to the floor. "Well even if it worked a little it definitely doesn't work now." Shinso mused getting up.

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