Chapter 3

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Jimin's POV

The contract. Those words spoken by both of my parents kept repeating in my mind. Like a distant echo surrounding me in a bubble. The events that were supposed to take place once I turn eighteen completely slipped my mind. The contract in question is part of a strange tradition in my family. When the heir turns eighteen they sign a contract that states they will be married off to an eligible person chosen by their parents. So the heir, and the person chosen can combine companies, and fortunes.

It's not as bad as you think. What's really worrisome, and terrible is that there's a penalty if any one of us breaks the contract, or if we choose not to sign it. The penalty is being stripped of our inheritance, and even in some cases being disowned. Although, in my family we have never had anyone not sign the contract, or break it. So I do not even know if my family will take the penalty seriously, or not.

I may have a close relationship with my parents, but that doesn't mean they can not be strict with me. They are when it comes to school, and chores. I really don't know if they will be that way when it comes to this. My parents didn't tell me anything other than what I already know. Although they did announce they have an eligible person they have their eyes on to marry me. They said the other party is still thinking it through. I only know his name is Min Yoongi, and that he is a guy which is actually great because I am gay.

I will have to sign the contract at my eighteenth birthday. Once I do sign it I will have to marry whoever they choose, but at least I have a say on who I get to marry. They said that if I want I could meet him soon. If I don't want to for some reason, they said I could say no, but then they will go on a hunt to find someone else. My thoughts were suddenly put to a stop by a knock at the door.

"Sweety, can I come in?" Mom asked. How strange. Most of the time she just bursts through the door without a warning.

"Yeah."I replied. She came in right away.

"I was just wondering if you made your decision about meeting him. Also I need to ask if your holding up well. I know what you are feeling right now. I passed through the same thing too."

"Yeah, I'm doing okay. Yes, I do want to meet him. If I am going to marry him in the end I don't want to do it with a total stranger."

"Good decision, sweetheart. I will give you the details about him along with a picture tomorrow." She told me which I immediately nodded to.

She then left closing the door softly behind her. I out of nothing recalled something the teacher said yesterday about how marriages were arranged in the past. Oh, how I wish I wasn't part of the few families who still did these kinds of things.

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