Chapter 1: What I Want

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I hope you guys enjoy this book as well! My first short story on here I hope you all enjoy it. It should be done pretty quickly. Not too much romance in this one, I hope you romantics do not hate me for that, but it does have meaning. :) enjoy.

Chapter 1:  What I Want

Have you ever had a stranger buy you flowers before? It has never happened to me, but in some way, I wish it would. It would be a short, pleasent little thing. A short moment where everything in the world evaportates besides the two of us, but only for a moment and then everything goes back to normal, just like that, like the snap of fingers. No problems, no drama, just a nice conversation and a few compliments thrown in there. It sounds like the perfect moment to me. 

I know that many girls may want the moment to last forever, but I wouldn't want it to. I mean, both of us would have somewhere else to be eventually and the moment would have to end anyway, why drag it on any longer than nessesary? I would love to just run into a nice guy in front of a flower shop and he request that he buy me a box of roses and then after a few minutes of talking and laughing and having fun, we just go our seperate ways and never meet again, simple, lovely. 

I have had so much drama in my life the past few years and I am ready for a good, long break. I would be happy with just a pleasent conversation. Something like that, would really make me day, maybe my week or my month, who knows what could happen if something like that happened. 

I have so much work that I still have yet to do for the end of this week. Things are so much more complicated now then they were when I was a teenager. I wish I could go back in time, go back to being a teenager when my biggest worry was finishing with my boyfriend before my parents got home or getting a good mark on my exam. If I had known how hard being an adult would be at that age, I would have knocked myself upside the head to give myself brain damage just to live in the moment a little longer. 

 I have spent most of my life in and out of serious and non-serious relationships. I am done with relationships, just plain done. I am no longer okay with dating a guy, having good and bad times and then having him dump me for a younger, prettier version of me. That is just not okay, not ever. 

I gather up the stack of my remaining work papers and forms that need filling out by clients and shove them into my bag, carefully, if that even makes sense. I stand up from my desk, ready to just go home and forget all about this entire day, just to have it start all over again tomorrow. I have been in my office nearly the whole day and let me tell you, it is exhausting. 

 I just want to get home and crawl into my soft, waiting bed, unfortunately I still have work to do tonight if I wish to get it all done by it's due date. So that means, no going to bed early and no sleeping in either. I need to be at the office around 5:30 maybe 6:00 if I'm lucky. 

I reach over my desk to hit the power button on my computer and I pick it and all its cords up and put them back into my laptop case. I push my desk chair into my desk and look around my office, wondering if I am forgetting anything, like I do most days. I only remember what I have forgotten by the time that I get home and I find out that it is something that I needed.

"Oh well," I say out loud to myself. I pick up my laptop case and my bag. I pick up my purse and swing my it over my shoulder. I turn and walk out of my office, not bothering to close the door. There is nothing really of value inside so, why close and lock up? It is not like anyone will go in there and sleep there just because I had been in there, I do not have a stalker. I am not pretty enough to have one, so I need not worry about things like that, they are utterly foolish to me. 

I make my way towards the elevators and decide to start taking the stairs, it would help to give me a better figure, then maybe men would think more of me. No, I am not doing this for a man, I am doing it for myself, so that I think more highly of myself. I do not need any man's compliments adding to my self-esteem, I can do that to myself just fine. 

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