Chapter 2: Then It Actually Happens

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter too. I am not sure how long this book is going to be, but it is a short story. I just have to figure out how short it is going to be.

Chapter 2: Then It Actually Happens

My eyes snap open the the sound of an alarm going off and my mind instantly goes to the chance that someone is trying to steal my car. I throw the covers off of me and jumnp out of bed. I race towards the windo showing my driveway, feeling dizzy from getting up too quickly. I look out the window and find my car in no time. At first glance, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it, but the alarm doesn't stop.

I cover my ears, feeling annoyed with the sound. I glance around my car one last time just to comfirm that nothing is wrong and when I am satisfied that it isn't my car alarm, I spin around. My eyes flicker to my alarm clock, oh lord do I hate getting up early, mornings are so not my thing. I drop my hands to my sides and walk over to it. I slam my hand down on the top of it where the snooze button it located. 

You wouldn't believe how many mornings that damn thing has ruined for me. It always seems to go off when I am in my best sleep during the night, which just happens to be the time that I have to get up each morning, figures. I turn the switch on the side of it and the alarm turns off. Good, now you can't disturb me again this morning, not that you would anyway you damned fool, you would wait until tomorrow for that. 

I fling the bed covers back over onto my bed and begin making it and straightening the blankets and pillows. I look back over at my clock and notice that it is actually an hour before I had to get up. Okay, either the damned thing is broken or I was stupid enough to set it to an hour earlier than I was supposed to, but seeing as I am already up, I may as well get on with my day and get some work done. 

 I make my way to my master bathroom to take a shower. I turn on the water and test it several times before it is at a comfortable enough temperature . I start striping off my clothes and throw them into the corner of the bathroom near the door. I grab a towel from the shelf in the closet and throw it onto the counter. I hop into the shower and can't hold in the gasp that presses in my mouth at the temperature of the water.

It is exilerating, I stand under the hot stream for several minutes before doing anything else. I enjoy my slow minutes under the hot rays of my shower head. I grab the bottle of shampoo and pour some into my hand. I run it into my hair and lather it up. I step under the rainfall and rinse all the shampoo out of my hair.

After washing my body and rinsing myself off, I step out of the shower and onto the shower mat on the floor. I shut the water off and grab my towel and dry myself off; I wrap my hair up in the towel after my body is dried off. I walk back into my bedroom and go straight for my closet. I don't take long to decide what I will wear.

I pick out a pair of blue skinny jeans and a tank top. I slip into my chosen clothes and feel my stomach rumble with hunger. I better eta some food into myself before I start working. I mean, who knows when the next time I will eat will be.

I walk out of my bedroom and down the hall to the kitchen. I search through my cupboards and am sad to see that I do not have anything in them that could be anywhere near substantial for a meal this morning. I have crackers and some mayonaise. "What a meal that will be," I say out loud to myself.

 Well, it is obvious that I must go out for breakfast then, in order to get any work done, I need to be well fed. And seeing as I would need to eat soething substantial for that to happen, then crackers and and mayonaise will definately not do. 

Knowing that I have to go out to eat, I make my way towards the front door and pull a coat out from my closet and swing my purse over my shoulder. Somebody is going to have to pay for this meal and it isn't going to be the guy sitting on the corner of the street like he has been all week. 

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