Y I N G & Y A N G

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We all know that famous symbol of the Ying and the Yang. We have all seen "Kung-fu panda" so stop being in denial cuz this isn't Egypt.

If we are totally honest, in a way the Ying and yang don't really have much in common with depression and anxiety since the ying and yang is related to peace and whatnot.

Truth is, all in this life is connected. Its all just a huge story plot. We are individuals in the story, we are all both the main characters and the extras that nobody remembers.

Its important to take this into account. Pay attention children.

Here comes philosophical jenny, passing through.

Depression isn't bad. Yes. You read right. It is not bad.

It isn't pleasant but it isn't bad.


In order to know what happiness is you have to pass through sadness. You need both. You need balance.

Peace isn't happiness, rainbows, unicorns and pop tarts. (No, I don't like pop tarts but I believe that pop tarts are cool).

Peace is a balance between good and bad. Hence the ying and yang. Some people know what this symbol means, tons don't. If you don't, I'll give you a brief description.

Black - white.

Black is named Yang - white is named Ying.

Black is named yang and is considered to be a woman - White is named ying and is considered to be a man.

Technically Black is referred often as Yang and in symbolism is a woman. White is Ying and commonly known as a man.

Together they form a perfect circle, but they don't divide the circle in a perfect half. They both have half of property but they don't divide it so markedly. They swirl together meaning that they know how to bond and share. Without Ying, there wouldn't be a yang.

If the circle was only conformed by Yang, there wouldn't exist a Ying and Yang, just a Yang that would eventually lose meaning because she would only be a black circle. Nobody would be able to diffirienciate her from anything else since she is alone.

Yang needs Ying and vice versa. And even though Ying is white, there also exists some black in it, hence the small opposite colored dots. They need each other to exist.

So, what does this mean?

Depression isn't healthy, but that doesn't mean its bad. No depression, you'll never appreciate happiness as it is. No happiness, you'll never know how it feels to be sad and therefore realize how important both emotions are... Just look at Disneys movie Inside Out!

My purpose of writing of this?

There will always be good and bad in all my chapters. Example being hibernation. Its good to have some time for yourself, but its also bad for other reasons.

Whenever you read a chapter of mine, have that in mind. All is good and all is bad. There is no picking sides. Depression isn't pretty, but don't make it your enemy, because it isn't your enemy. Its just part of being human.

You need depression and anxiety in order to truly appreciate happiness as it is.

I said it before, everybody passes through these things. No exceptions.

So smile. Cry. Enjoy. 

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