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"You're not suppose to be here," Aiden says. I look at him confused. "You're suppose to have a whole life."

"He's right," my mom says.

"People like me don't get normal lives," I reply. "If you thought I would get married, have children and grow old, you're wrong," I say.

"Do you really believe that?" Allison asks.

"What about Ethan? What about Derek?" Aiden asks.

"Ethan has Jackson. Derek has Braeden. They'll have someone," I answer.

"What about Theo?" Allison asks.

"What about him? I trusted me and he lied to me," I defend. "They don't need me."

"You died in his arms. I died in Scott's and Paige died in Derek's. Scott and Derek remember it everyday and it kills them," Allison says.

I look at them. "How am I suppose to come back to life? Not exactly sure how to," I ask.

"Think about why you've been fighting to live," Aiden answers.

"But I have to go back to missing all of you again," I say. They're gone just like that.

I open my eyes. Theo is there. I smile and hug him. I look around. The Nemeton. This thing is still a pain in my ass. Suddenly I see a vision.

Peter slashes Jennifer's throat. "I am the alpha," he roars.

I always knew that he was insane. He could have mentioned this before but I guess not.

Theo starts to carry me. Suddenly I feel different. Not sure what but it does. It feels like forever but he puts me on a table.

"We're different," I whispered. "Theo I want to go home."

"You are home," he says. This isn't home.

"Beacon Hills isn't home anymore. Home is in London," I inform. He shakes his head.

"Alex I managed to get you back," he says. "I brought you back because I can't imagine a world without you."

I start to sit up. Whatever the hell I am it feels weird. "I need time to think about us until then goodbye Theo," I reply.

I get up and start walking away. When I get to to my apartment I lay down. Someone was here.

Everything looks the same. So I pull out my phone. I call Scott.

"Who's this?" He asks. I couldn't reply. I hear Mama McCall crying in the background. "This isn't funny."

I hang up the phone. They think I'm dead. Maybe this isn't something that should be told on the phone. So I go downstairs and get a cab. How did I end up at the Nemeton anyways?

So I call a cab and go to their house. When I knock on the door. Scott opens it. He looks shocked. Before I can say anything he hugs me.

Then I go sit on the couch as he makes coffee. Scott gets Mama McCall and she hugs me.

"I saw you die," Scott says.

"I don't know how I was brought back to life. All I know is that I woke up at the Nemeton," I answer. Which isn't technically a lie. Theo didn't tell me how he woke me up.

"Parrish took you to the Nemeton," Scott explains.

I shrug. Parrish. He sounds like a hellhound. "Alex, I have a question," Scott states.

"That is?"

"How long were you and Theo dating?" He asks.

"Since June," I answer. Mama McCall looks at Scott. "What do you know that I don't?"

"After you died. Theo kind of tried killing me too," Scott says.

Why can't Theo make anything simple. I take a drink of my coffee. Calm down. Scott will sense it if you get mad.

So I sit there. "Scott did you tell anyone else I died?" I ask.

"No one," he answers. "Parrish got you before Mason woke up."

I nod. "They don't need to know," I answer. "But Scott if you need help dealing with these things call me."

Scott nods. "I hope it doesn't come to that," he says.

So I go shower. I sit on the floor most of the time. This is going to haunt me. Shouldn't life be getting easier? This isn't alright.

So when I'm done showering I see that Scott called 5 times. I hurry and get ready. I go to under tunnels and I look around. Chris grabs my arm.

I have a few guns. "Get down," Chris says. Both of us just open fire. When that doesn't do anything we switch guns. He tells Malia and Scott to leave. "Alex you need to leave."

I grab my shotgun. "I'm not leaving you," he says. Then I go back the way we came.

So when I get to my apartment again it's late. So I hurry and start packing again. Someone knocks on my door. I see it's Chris. I leave it open for him and pack the clothes I bought.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

I look at him. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm running while I still can," I answer.

He grabs my shoulder. "Why are you running?" He asks. "We're hunters, we don't run."

I shake my head. "Really? Those things put Mercury into my system and I died. Our pledge is until we die. Which I did. There's nothing holding me back. College was my start to a normal life. That's what I'm going to make it," I answer.

Chris hugs me. I hug him back. This is my second time dying but I came back. "I'm done challenging death," I say. One day I'll die permanently. I still have things to see until then.

I still have a few things to decide until then. Theo. What am I going to do until then? I'm not interested in dating someone who won't change.

My phone rings. Chris lets go so I can get it. I finally get a call from Ethan. It's been a day. "Hello Ethan?"

"Alex, where are you?" He asks.

"I'm in Beacon Hills. I need to help with something," I answer.

"I thought you were going for a normal life," Ethan says.

"Well we don't get normal," I reply. Chris looks at me. "Certainly I don't run."

"What about school?" He asks.

"I'm ahead anyway. It's a force of habit because of matters like these," I answer.

Ethan hangs up. Chris hugs me. "You know Allison would be proud of you," he says.

"I know."

So for a few weeks I do my assignments online. While I wait for Scott to call again. So I was walking with Liam and Scott. They were feeling vibrations.

Scott uncovered a door. Which he opens so I have my gun ready to fire. I aim at Chris for a second. Then lower my gun.

"You didn't," Scott says.

"I had to," Chris replies.

"What?" I ask.

Then I see him walking into the area. Gerard Argent.

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