Chapter 6

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*Friday afternoon*

Well what a day it has been, I feel like I haven't been able to relax at all, with the nerves from knowing I'm seeing Katy again later, from being confused about the signals that I'm receiving from her and also feeling confused about the way I'm feeling. Last night I saw a completely different side to her. Not the things I read in articles, not the way she tweets, not the way she speaks in interviews but just her for who she is. After a few drinks we were both relaxed completely and it just made conversation flow so much easier for us. I felt like I actually was talking to a friend that I'd known for years but in a completely different aspect, it was nice.
I had a phone call with Steve earlier and he was telling me about how he's going to be going away for 2 weeks on a teacher training programme and I was actually okay with it, is that normal? Things just felt different on the phone to him this time compared to how I'd speak to him on the phone normally or even speak to him in person. I felt bad? But for nothing at all and I just couldn't work out why.
The nerves I had for seeing katy later on weren't nerves like I'd had before, they were butterfly nerves and I knew I just couldn't wait to be in her company. I feel relaxed and not shaken up like how I was feeling before.
I'd been texting her pretty much from the minute that I'd waken up and she has been responding to every one. She has said how she doesn't need to be at the arena until a little bit before the concert for a quick sound check as everything was still built up and set for how it was the previous night, which meant we could go and do something, but what, I didn't know.
My phone vibrated on the table as I was sat doing my makeup for the day, I looked at it and it was her. We've been trying to come up with a plan, a way to see each other without people seeing us, not that we minded but it would look a bit weird if a 'Twitter katycat' who she'd been seen tweeting the previous day was with her on a day out.
I unlocked my phone to see she'd text me.
'So what is the plan then? I'm ready to go when you are! Xox'
I smiled and thought before I replied, maybe she could come to mine? We need to lay low so it would make sense? We wouldn't have any suspicions...
I started typing.
'Well maybe you could come to mine? If we need to lay low it would make sense? I could come and pick you up from somewhere to save a driver bringing you? Xxx'
Straight away her read receipt showed which meant she had been waiting for me to reply which made me feel happy, she actually wanted to talk to me. Within a minute she had replied.
'Sounds perfect! Let me know when you're coming! Xxx'

40 minutes later I was ready, makeup on, hair done and dressed. I was dressed in a floral strapless top and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, with a pair of white converse to complete the outfit. I had my usual jewellery on which I wear all the time, my bracelet, ring and earrings.
I sent katy a text to let her know I was outside in the car park and she replied saying she was on her way, and to not be afraid of how she's dressed. I laughed to myself and waited. Before I knew it there was a knock on the window and Katy waved outside, I motioned for her to hop into the passenger side of my car and she did. She was dressed in her Adidas tracksuit, hood up and sunglasses on to disguise her from anyone who could recognise, and on her feet were a pair of grey trainers.
"Oh yeah, back at it again with the tracksuits?" I raised my eyebrow as I jokingly questioned her on the outfit.
"Oh fuck off" she pounced back.
"Feisty, I like it." I poked my tongue out as I started my engine, hoping I was coming across calm enough.
"Well, I love these tracksuits, they're the most comfortable thing in the world. I hope you're driving is good by the way, my life is in your hands right now and my manager doesn't even know about it." She joked back, trying to insult my driving.
"Well, I made it here didn't I? Without a scratch..." I laughed back. "My driving is good thank you... I've got 7 years of experience on me. But you can sit in the back if you want!" I joked back.
"Hmm 7 years? So that makes you what? 23? And no thanks, I'd rather sit up in the front with you." She said without even a tremor in her voice, confidently, not even joking, possibly even in a flirty manor? I shook it off as I carried on driving, back to my house.
"Close enough, 24. But good maths." I retorted back, keeping my eyes on the road and not looking at her. I purposely didn't reply to her last comment, not knowing how she meant it. For gods sake Arabella, you're engaged. Of course she didn't mean it the way it sounded...
"24? But you've been driving for 7 years?"
"Yeah, the driving age here is 17"
"Really?! It's 16 back in the states.."
"Well obviously they don't care about the lives of others in the states then, right?" I laughed, and she slapped my arm playfully.
"Don't diss my homeland girl."
"I mean no harm." She chuckled and let out a soft sigh, staring out the window as I drove.
"So... when are you going to take those sunglasses off? I mean, it's not even sunny" I pointed to the clouds, laughing a little.
"Well, I'm naked underneath." She bluntly replied, and turned her head to face me.
My breath hitched and I could see her looking at me from the corner of my eye, yet I still kept my head forward, focusing on the road.
"Naked underneath what?" I replied softly, not knowing how my voice sounded as the words come out.
"The sunglasses, stupid" she laughed and took the sunglasses off, holding them in her hand. "What did you think I meant?"
Oh shit, how do I get out of this one.
"Uh, well you didn't make it clear."
"But we were talking about my sunglasses..." she quizzed me, now making me feel a bit hot, I didn't know how to respond. "But, I'm naked underneath the tracksuit too."
Fuck. My heart flipped, you know that feeling when you're about to trip down the stairs, and your whole body just pounds? Yep. I breathed in and try to speak but didn't know what to say, once again. What is she doing.
"Y-you are?"
"YUP" she said popping the 'p'. She said it with such confidence not even a hint of embarrassment and I knew she must have been playing with me.
I decided to play with her, play her at her own game. I had to think quickly, but I have to gain confidence fast to fire back a comment. I didn't even think, I just said it.
"Well, I don't believe you, you'll have to prove it." I said, still not having looked at her, but I wish I could see the reaction on her face.
It felt as if We were dead on flirting right now but I couldn't even tell if I was being serious or not.
Katy's breath hitched this time, audibly so I could hear her inhale.
Ha. I caught her. Keep it going Arabella.
"What I mean is, you'll have to show me." I said as I pulled into my drive, pressing the hand break and switching off the engine. I turned to face her.
"Was that clearer for you?"
She looked at me, a look of surprise but what looked like lust at the same time. Then her face just switched, she raised an eyebrow as she thought for a second.
"Alright then. If I must." She looked down and brought her hand to the zip on the front of her tracksuit. This time my eyes widened as she daringly gripped the zip.
Was she actually going to do this? We're sat in my car and shes about to pull the zip down on her tracksuit. In. My. Car.
She slowly but confidently pulled the zip down, revealing more and more of her chest and I couldn't take my eyes off of her movements. I could see her looking at me from the corner of my eye as more and more skin was being shown. Half of me wondered if she actually was going to pull it the whole way down at the front and when I started to see the majority of her chest I switched. My hand reached out and I placed it on her skin.
"Okay!! Okay, I believe you!"
She laughed, as she stopped undoing the zip. My hand still on her bare skin. I couldn't see her nipple but I could see the round of her breast, which my hand was still touching.
"Wanna let go so I can do it back up?" She winked. "I don't fancy getting out of your car with my whole tits on show."
I gasped as I remembered my hand was still over the round of both breasts and quickly removed it. I felt my cheeks start to get hot as she redone the zip so her chest was all covered up again.
"Sorry, I-"
"It's okay, come on let's go in, or are you too flustered to see me now?"
Once again I was lost for words. What is she doing to me.
"Nope, I think we've crossed at least one boundary now I've held your tits... let's go."
She laughed as I climbed out of the car, her getting out and following me closely up the the front door.
"Cute place." She said as she looked around, admiring the plants outside and the stone work of the building.
"Thanks" I smiled and unlocked the door, letting her walk in first. "Want a tour?"
"Yes of course!"

She followed me around the house as I showed her each room, one by one. The living room, the dining room, the kitchen, the bathroom downstairs, and she was following me up the stairs.
I led her into each room one by one again, and she stepped into each one admiring every interior decor, touching bits from each room.
"I love the design of your rooms, did you do that yourself?"
"I sure did" I said proudly as I led her into the bathroom.
"This is the upstairs bathroom, nothing spectacular really..."
"No I love it, you have good taste."
"Thanks... again" I chuckled as I now led her into the last room, my bedroom.
"And this, is my bedroom!" I smiled as I opened the door, and like usual she stepped in, a little further this time, taking in everything that she saw. Looking at the bed, the chest of drawers, the curtains, the bed sheets, everything. I stepped into the room and sat on the bed, watching her look at my possessions. She approached some frames on the chest of drawers, looking at each one.
"Who's this?" She lifted up a small frame showing me the picture.
"That's my goddaughter" I smiled and she looked at me and the picture again, placing it down and picking up another, this time a picture of me and Steve.
"Is this your brother?"
I bit my lip, watching her look at it.
"No, that's my boyfriend.." I said and she looked at me, with what felt like disappointment in her eyes.
"You have a boyfriend?"
I nodded. "He's called Steve."
"Oh cool" she said bluntly and put the frame back down, picking up the next.
Before she could even ask I answered.
"And that's my mam." She looked at the picture and looked at me.
"She died when I was 16." I looked at her and she immediately looked back at me with a sympathetic look in her eyes.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." She took a few steps towards me and sat down next to me on the bed.
"It's okay, really, it is..."
she smiled looking at me in the eyes, I couldn't quite tell what she was thinking, or feeling but she grabbed my hand and squeezed it a little, still not saying anything.
"I'm okay, seriously, it happened a long time ago." I smiled, still not breaking eye contact.
"If you ever want to talk, or anything, please remember that I'm here."
"Thank you, I really appreciate that."
She pulled me in for a hug which I reciprocated and relaxed underneath her touch as she stroked my back. I slowly came out of the hug, keeping hold of her as I did so, my cheek softly brushing against hers as she slowly retracted to. I could almost hear her heartbeat as well as mine, she seemed as nervous as I did. I bit my lip as we came out of the hold, looking up to her eyes and she did the same. She softly placed her hand underneath my chin to bring my head up and her eyes flickered between my lips and my eyes. Her breathing was heavy as she slowly leaned in and before I knew it, her lips were on mine. My heart and my head exploded as she held her lips there and just stayed in place for a few seconds before leaning back and licking her lips. She looked up at me and shyly smiled, which again I reciprocated, but before anything else, my phone started to ring in my pocket.

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