Chapter 2-Marina

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            I found Jamie and we both agreed to just skip shopping and go home.  I went upstairs to my room once they were finished and did anything I could think of to get rid of the time. Before I knew it, my mom had made dinner and I rushed down the stairs hungry for her lasagna. Then, I was of to bed thinking about what a crazy weekend I had.

              It was Monday, so I got ready after my alarm went off. I had cereal for breakfast, put on my shoes, and I was off to school. It must have gotten out that I had almost been ran over because people were whispering and looking at me when all of the students heading to school started to group together. I just ignored it, since I really didn't care what they said about me. Jamie came up from behind me and greeted me with a simple hello. "I know the answer to your question" she said randomly."I don't have a question."
"Yes, you do! Anyway, everyone is talking about how you were the first one to touch the new hottie!"
"Ya! You remember that Iris guy? He is the new student and practically every girl has fallen for him already!"
"So why am I in the drama?"
"Every girl is jealous! Even I can see that!"
"That's just stupid. How could people already have seen him? Plus, who would be jealous of almost getting ran over?"
"Girls apparently. And he has been going door to door greeting people."
"I have never heard of anyone doing that before. Are you sure? He went to everyone's door step?"
"Not everyone's. Only girls."
"Oh, I should have known," I said, rolling my eyes.
"Anyway, he is handsome and I heard he came from France. The place where love blossoms! I bet he is soooo romantic!"
"You're weird, you know that, right?"
"I know, but you can't tell me you don't think he is handsome."
"Trust me once you figure out his personality, his physical appearance rots away. Anyway, I got to go. I don't want to be late." With that, I ran off into the school and on to my classes.

                 It was lunch time and I was starving. I rushed to the lunch room and grabbed a tray. I found Jamie and I's usual lunch table and sat down next to her. I started to eat as she started to talk about her classes and gossip. Suddenly, she stopped mid sentence. I looked up at her and heard someone sit down next to me. The lunchroom got quiet and I turned around to see Iris sitting next to me. He smiled at me and said,"Hello, do you mind if I sit here?"
"Oh, not at all!" I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes.  The girls all glared at me.  In this light I could see he had brownish black hair, blue eyes, and he was tall. "I wasn't expecting you to go here," He said," Then I saw you in my classes, how odd we have all of the same ones, right?"  Well my day just got ruined.  "Oh God, we have the same classes?  Please transfer."
"No. You're awfully sassy as always. I was sitting behind you in all of them so that must have been why you didn't notice me."
"Well, I hope to never notice you again.  Please leave."
"You don't mean that." I noticed all of the girls glaring at us and the boyfriends of the girls glaring from us to their girlfriend.
"I will be right back." Jamie said and winked at me. Sometimes I really hated her for thinking like that.
"I just noticed, its time for you to go."
"I hate you."
"I saved your life."

   Jamie butted back in our conversation as she sat down without her tray, "And thank you for doing that!"

"You are Marina's friend if I am correct."
"Yes, I am."
"You look lovely in that dress you are wearing!"  No.  No way he is going to do that to her. Since I hate him, he should know perfectly well I will rip his skin off later.  I glare daggers into his eyes.
" I will be right back, I am going to go put up my tray." I got up and walked over to the line where you clean off your trays and put them up. I sighed. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and asked, "What's so special about you? Why did he choose to sit with you, huh?" I turned around to see Lilia with a disgusted look on her face.
"I don't know, Lilia. What is so good about you that that makes you able to pick on me?"
"Watch it, puke face!" She pushed me back into someone.
"Sorry." They glanced over, but didn't say anything.
"What's the matter?" Iris walked over to us as Lilia was about to throw her tray of left over food on me.
"Oh nothing!" she said as she recovered by swinging her tray over to the trash cans and threw away her trash."Just throwing away stuff." He smiled and grabbed my tray and put it in her hands. "Take care of that for me, please." She nodded as he took my hand and dragged me back to the table. "Don't let anyone treat you like that, okay?"
"You live in the 50's?  I can handle myself." He seemed confused for a second, then he smirked.  "Ah I see, a feminist."
"No, I just hate your guts."
Then the bell rang to let us know that lunch was over. I pulled my hand out of his and said,"I got to go.  Never talk to me again."
"Ain't gonna happen sweat heart." He stood there for a few seconds in thought, then he went off to his classes.

                  I was a little paranoid because he had the same classes as me the rest of the day.  In each one, he ended up sitting next to me. He would try to start a conversation, but I was trying to focus on the classes, and I hated him.  He eventually would just stop after I only replied middle fingers and glares. As the day ended, I began to walk home with Jamie, when I saw Iris standing in a group of girls that were practically climbing on him. He seemed to be enjoying himself until he saw me. He put a wide smile on his face and escaped the group of girls. He jogged over to me and started chatting and asking how my day was. "Good until I saw your face."
"Ah, then it was great?  I see, you must have fallen hard for me."
"The only thing falling for you is a bunch of who-"
"Why don't you show me around town?" His smile became wider and I just about kicked him in the no-no square. I glared as I walked into my house.
                 The rest of the week went on oddly. In stead of talking to me, Iris ignored me and focused on the other girls. I didn't really care what he did, since I wanted him out of my life.  When he was with the other girls, they all seemed to come to him easily. I thought that that was a little strange, but it wasn't my problem.

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