I can't!

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Gina's Pov:

This week has been a very long week but it's finally Friday! Thank The Lord!

"Nash" he just looked at me.

"Never mind" I completely forgot what I was gonna say. I hate when that happens.

"What's up.." Nash sat up

"Nothing... I completely forgot what I was gonna say." Nash laughed and went back to playing on his phone. "OH!"

"Yes!" He sat up again.

"Can you get me my bag?" I gestured towards my gray back pack.

"Ya sure." He tossed it over.

"Thanks." I took out my brush and brushed the tangled mess on my head... I don't have a lot of hair but I do have some. It's very short though. I but my brush back in my bag and dropped it on the ground.

"Hayessssss!" I threw a pillow at him since he wasn't paying any attention to me.

"IM AWAKE!" He shot up.

"How much longer till I get to leave..."

"How am I supposed to know... I'm not a clock!" He stared at me with a straight face.

"And your obviously not in honors either." I smirked back. Nash and Will let out a little laugh.

"You're so mean to me!" Hayes pouted.

"Or is it just that you are a big baby!" Nash and Will started laughing.

"I hate you! I hope you die!" Hayes walked out of the room. I probably looked like a deer in headlights. Does he know that I most likely am gonna die soon?

Nash's Pov:

Seeing Gina like this still makes my heart brake.. I remember around 5 years ago she used to be so active... Now she's so lifeless... I still haven't told her about magcon... I have to go for a month and a half... I honestly don't want to tell her because last time I had to go somewhere for 3 weeks she's freaked out. She was nervous that she was gonna start getting worse and I wouldn't be there. I especially don't want to tell her right after Hayes just told her that he hates her and hopes she dies. I know he didn't mean it but he definitely shocked her. She looked like she just saw a ghost. I felt really bad for her but it was Hayes... Everyone knows that he likes to talk out of his butt. I started think about telling GG...

"GG?" She looked at me.

"Ya." She smiled.

I sat there for a while... "Nothing..." I can't tell her! I can't do it!

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