The Proposal

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Ed keeps thinking about Aura, he misses her even after being with her all day, he wants to spend more time with her.

He feels he's going crazy tries to sleep but can't fall asleep. He remembers Aura's thoughts about love, that Love makes you a totally different person, this feeling of being in love changes you completely and you feel everything around is changed.

He remembers how Aura felt pain when he was hurt when he lost his mother, how Aura understood him, stood by him in his bad times.

He looks at himself in the mirror and asks himself,

" Have I changed ? Am I in love?"

He rushes to Aura's house calls her up, and she comes down.

Ed tells her that he has never felt this before, now that everything is clear in front of him, he tells that he can feel the change in him that she has changed him, showed him how to live and enjoy life, she has been there for him in sad times. He tells her he loves her, he loved her from when but realised it now.

Aura's eyes get filled with tears to which Ed asks her and she tells she loves him too, it's just that she has lived this moment a thousand times.

She asks him if this is a proposal, if it is it's the most non romantic one ever.

He says no of course it's not when he will officially propose to her she will be really stunned.

Now they think of pursuing their higher studies and as Ed's at the University he gets to know that Aura had been hit by a car while crossing, so he gets really worried while Aura speaks to him over the phone saying she's fine, it's just a minor injury.

Ed rushes to the hospital where the doctor asks to speak to him.

Ed takes Aura home after that, and then the next day Ed sends her a bouquet of flowers with an address and a small poem written by him.

She reaches there and house is decorated so well with her favourite flowers orchids and another letter from Ed telling her that he loves her so much that he can neither say nor express it all, but he knows she understands him well, so today he wants to show her his feelings. He says this is their house now.

He displays placards through the hands of small kids, written on it "I Love You"

" Will you spend your whole life with me? "

" Will you marry me Miss Aura Stewart ?" Ed broke the silence finally.

" If its gonna be Mrs. Rogers, then Yes I will." Aura replied to which she just hugged him.

They think of speaking to their parents about their relationship.

I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin