chapter 24

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Chloe's pov

I shot up out of my sleep and run to mine and Niall's onsuite bathroom and puke. It wasn't very nice and then I thought Morning sickness. Its been a month since me and Niall tried for the baby and this is a sign that I have a little baby inside of me. Niall comes rushing through when I'm brushing my teeth and I spit the tooth paste out

"you alright babe" he says 

"yeah I'm fine just I think I have morning sickness and thats a sign of pregancy so could you possibly go get me a pregnancy test" i say

"sure I can I'll go get dressed and go get one now for you" he says and kisses me 

"do you realise you are such a good boyfriend" i say

"well I knew that but now I now even more" he says and runs to the store

he comes back 10 minutes later and hands me the pregnancy test and I walk into the bathroom, I pee on the stick and set the timer for 5 minutes and then wait. Its soon finishes and I pick it up and it had

+ pregnant 1 month

I walk out to Niall and he has his head in his hands and looks at me and says

"well" he says 

"I'm 1 month pregnant" i say

"oh my god another baby" he says 

"yeah and you will be a good father" i say

"I will and I will be there throughout the pregnancy and bringing them up" he says 

he hugs me and Rosie comes down and looks at us wierd

"whats wrong" she says 

"honey come sit" i say and she does

"well darling mummy is expecting a baby and you are going to have a little brother or sister would you like that but it does mean sharing toys" Niall says 

"yeah I want a baby bro or sis and I cannot wait" she says 

"well keep it a secret because we still need to tell your uncles and aunties hey how about you tell them for us" i say

"yeah I want to" she says 

"good well go get ready and then Daddy will phone everyone and then when they arrive you can tell them ok" i say and she nods and runs upstairs.

3 years apart! - a niall horan love storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora