next time

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So here we were just looking at eachother. I wish this would Just stop. she looked so gorgeous. We were at a thanksgiving dinner. Since the other one got ruined. she stood kn the doorway. I couldnt breath. "come in" she let out in the quietest whisper. She moved an let me in.

Everyone greeted me as i sat on the couch. i watched her every move. It felt like i couldnt remove my eyes from her. finally eliza called everyone over. I sat across from kara. Instead of staring i listened to everyones conversatuons and would join every now an then.

When dinner was over everhone started to leave. James haf work to get to. Eliza wanted to get home. Alex wanted to go see her girlfriend. And winn just didnt want to be a burden. Finally as she closed yhe door on winn she turned aroudn to me. she sighed  heavily then spoke"we should talk" but she didnt look At me. I couldnt stand this.

She sat across from me in a chair. "about what?" i sat up
"do you like me?" she whispered looking me in the eyes. I opened my mouth to lie.... But i couldnT. Not while staring in to her eyes. so i sucked it up an lied. "if this is about the kiss kara, i dont know. I mean i guess i like you. But im not sure" her face dropped. did i do something wrong. but as soon ad it happened she wiped it away with smile. "great" she said sharply. Hr voice was different then before more insistent.
"uh, well you better go the deo will wander wherr your off to" she turned away walking to thw door. I stood following her. WHen i got to the door sh opened it i was about 2 feet away and i turned to her looking her in the eyes. "bye" i whispered. "bye" she whispered back we just sat for a few seconds then i left

sorry for the short chp. ive been really busy

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