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Xenethis never imagined he would end up becoming a father, but it wasn't that surprising in the end, given the way he usually conducted himself around Harribel and her three fraccions.

" going..."

Appaci and Xenethis ended up having sex on Aizen's empty throne. Their leader had already been imprisoned by the Soul Society several months ago. While cleaning away the rubble and collecting supplies, anything of worth that was left behind, Appaci decided to sneak into the room that Aizen once ruled and sit upon the chair that had been designated his and his alone. She hated Aizen the most out of Harribel's fraccion, probably more than Harribel herself did, because of how he treated all of them like trash to be tossed aside after they failed to be 'useful' to him. Appaci placed her firm little rump on his chair solely as a joke, but when she and Xenethis started to get frisky, it ended up becoming a replacement for a bed. Appaci gripped onto the arms of the chair as if for dear life. Her skirt was undone, her panties had been removed, and Xenethis had his pants unzipped so his crotch could properly make contact with her soaking wet pussy. Xenethis pounded in her hard and fast. He knew that she liked it that way sometimes, even if it did hurt her some. He suspected that she had an odd love-hate relationship with pain, because she kept begging him to go harder. He could only do so much, however. They didn't have a lot of time and they didn't want to accidentally be walked in on by the others, so the sex was unfortunately kept brief. Not brief enough to stop Xenethis from coming inside of her, but it made Appaci happy that he did nonetheless. They shared a few dizzy, wet kisses before they cleaned themselves up and put their clothes back on. Appaci didn't think that she would get pregnant. They had had unprotected sex many times and Arrancars did not operate on the same level as humans when it came to reproduction. It never did cross her mind that something so incredible like pregnancy could occur.

Clearly, those thoughts failed to come to pass for Mila Rose and Sun-Sun either.

"Ah! Goddamn! Ooh shit, that's it! Right there! Mmph! Yes! Yes!"

"...This feels quite good, Xenethis...d-don't stop...ooh..."

Mila Rose had gotten into Xenethis' pants after a long night of drinking together. They had found copious amounts of alcohol still left in storage in Aizen's palace, so of course they had to make good use of it. Only one good use for alcohol, anyway. They drank and drank until their vision had gotten blurry and their actions were not matching up with their brains. Xenethis took Mila Rose by the shoulder, pulled her in closely, and began to kiss her deeply on the lips. Mila Rose returned the kiss and she went even further by slipping her tongue inside his throat. The two of them made out for a long period, Mila Rose groping at Xenethis' crotch while he rubbed her tender breasts in between his fingers. They eventually had sex, and though it had been sloppy drunk sex and not much more, it had still been quite satisfactory for the both of them. Mila Rose wrapped her arms around Xenethis' back and dug her sharpened fingernails so deep into his shoulders that they nearly broke skin. She nibbled on his neck and she purred into his ear. She got like a wildcat during drunk sex, which made Xenethis grow all the more erect. They did it and they did it until they could do it no more. Xenethis was left with scratches and bite marks all over his body. Mila Rose was left with a seed inside of her that, unexpectedly, would grow into something both shocking and wonderful in due time.

Sun-Sun, on the other hand, had sex with him more because he wanted to rather than she wanted to. Well, she was always up for sex, Sun-Sun was actually kinkier than anyone gave her credit for, but Xenethis was so much in love with her at the moment that they happened to be doing it on the infirmary bed. She had treated him for a wound he had sustained while protecting her from an enraged Gillian. It had thought it could eat her to gain more power, but Xenethis stepped in, took a bite to the shoulder, and destroyed the monster in a single blow. Sun-Sun rushed him to the palace infirmary to heal him, but Xenethis had never thought she looked more beautiful in the infirmary lights than right then and there. Maybe there had been some kind of poison in the Gillian's bite that made him delirious, but he couldn't stop himself from yanking her down and smashing their lips together. She didn't have big breasts, but that was okay, because her nipples were still sensitive ones and Xenethis liked to tug and squeeze them. Sun-Sun was good with her hands, so she knew all sorts of ways to ensure that her lover felt maximum pleasure. They went at it hard, even to the point where Xenethis' wound started to bleed again. Sun-Sun sucked away the blood herself. When Xenethis left the infirmary with his shoulder patched up, Sun-Sun touched her stomach with pause. She wondered what this strange concern she suddenly had was about. She would not know why until later.

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