Chapter 1: The Yellow Flame

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Daniel's Pov

I entered the bar, my hood still covering my face. I sat down at the counter and looked at the bar keep. he couldn't see my face otherwise he might have said something. "What will it be kid?" I took out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down, 'I'll have a lime cooler with a little ice.' I had recently learned that this world's money system involved paper money called lien. luckily my pouch could produce any type of currency that I would require. He nodded, looking like he was creeped out a little. I then quickly wrote 'I lost my voice a long time ago. Sorry if it causes some discomfort.' He seemed to relax a little. "Sorry about that kid. give me a sec." He walked away, leaving me to my thoughts. He came back a little bit later with my drink, "Here you go kid." I merely nodded, taking a sip before putting it down. I then here someone say, "Sorry miss, I can't let you in boss's ord- ARGGH!!!" I turn and see the guy go flying into a table. I then downed the rest of my drink, grabbed my notepad and pen, put some lien one the table, and nodded to the bar keep. Great. Not even five minutes and I'm going to fight someone.

YANG'S Pov(A few minutes ago

"Alright, Time to go party, I'm sure that Junior won't mind letting me have a few strawberry sunrises." I thought to myself. I parked my trusty motorcycle, Bumblebee a few blocks away and started to walk towards Junior's. The bouncer notices me and starts to say "Sorry miss, I can't let you in boss's ord- ARGGH!!!" I didn't even let him finish, I just punched him through the door. I heard him land on a nearby table with a groan and a thud. I then saw a bunch of guys come towards me, guns pointed at my face. "AWW... you guy's shouldn't have." I said, giving them my signature grin. I then saw something appear in front of me. It was a portal made out of what looked like shadows. Then a guy comes walking out of the portal. he was wearing all black with a weird sword strapped to his back.

I have to say he looked kinda hot, with this whole mysterious, yet dark look

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I have to say he looked kinda hot, with this whole mysterious, yet dark look. He stood in-between me and Junior's thugs. I then hear some one say, "Well blondie, looks like you and tall, dark, and brooding are out-manned and out-gunned, so how about we kiss and make up?" I thought for a moment and nodded. I walk passed the hooded figure and whispered "Hey hot stuff, watch this." I couldn't see his face but the way he stood said Alright. I leaned towards Junior and.......sucker punched him into a wall. I looked back and the cloaked dude and he was trying so hard not to laugh. "Hey slick, wanna join in on the fun?" I asked activating Ember Celia. He nodded and pulled two more of those weird blades outta nowhere.

 He nodded and pulled two more of those weird blades outta nowhere

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I laughed and said "let's kick this party off with a Yang!!!"

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I laughed and said "let's kick this party off with a Yang!!!"

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