[22] Q and A

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Areum's POV-
Areum: Hey, can I meet with you tonight?

Sure. What's up? :MichaelChanson

Areum: I'm just curious about some things. . .

Like. . .? :MichaelChanson

Areum: It'd be easier if I just talked to you about it in person

Okay. Whatever floats your boat! :) :MichaelChanson

Does 10:30 sound good tonight? We can meet up at Kimmie Cakes. They don't close 'till 11:00 right? :MarkChanson

Areum: Yeah, sounds good 👍

Areum: I'll see you soon!~

Yep! Byeeeeee~ :MichaelChanson

Yongguk left with the four cats, and Wanna-One had returned from their mission. In all honesty, I still was unsure about this whole idol=gang member equation. . . While eating s'mores I found out that Yongguk was a part of an idol group called JBJ with a former member of Hotshot who was another gang unit, the YGK+ model known as Hyunbin that somehow got wrapped up into Produce 101. . ., a former member of ToppDogg- once again, another gang unit—, a Japanese person who was training to become an 'idol', and another trainee under a company that I forgot the name of! It doesn't make sense! How can a country, who's musical entertainment practically runs on idols, not know that they're all gangs?. . . How do they not find out that half, or maybe even more!, of their violence within the country is BECAUSE of these 'idols?' . . .

"I need some answers and it's clear that I won't be getting any from Wanna-One for 'protection' purposes. . .," I muttered so myself. I already tried asking the boys on several different occasions after that conversation during dinner, but they would only give me vague answers or no answers at all! After the knowledge of SM 'Idols,' Wanna-One, and JBJ, I need to know more. . .

I ran a hand through my hair as I stared at an article about NCT and NCity. "I still can't believe the only A FEW people speculate that these boys can be a part of gang. . . There's even less people that think Wanna-One is a gang because of that "'idol' survival show" they were on. . .," I murmured to myself, "How many companies and idol groups are actually gangs and gang members?. . ." 

I don't plan on exposing them or anything, but now that I'm associated with Wanna-One I need to know who's dangerous. . . I'm practically on the hit list of top gangs after the fiasco with Seulgi Unnie. . .

"Hey, Areum?," Jaehwan knocked on my door.  He kind of became the messenger that would get me whenever the boys needed me for something.  

"It's open," I sighed exiting out of the website, and turning off my laptop.

"It's time for dinner," Jaehwan informed, entering my room.

"Okay," I replied simply, but I never left my seat.

". . . Are you coming?"

". . . Is okay if I have dinner in here tonight? I want to catch up on some work that I've been falling behind in with my classes," I asked with a very different plan for why I requested to eat dinner in here resting in my thoughts.

"I'll go ask Jisung Hyung," Jaehwan stated, "Do you need help with any work? Jihoon and Woojin can always help you."

"Nah, I'm good. There's just a lot of assignments and not a lot of time. . .," I chuckled sadly.

"If you say so. . . Don't I've work yourself too much okay, Kiddo?"

"Got it," I smiled slightly as Jaewhan waved and left my bedroom, closing the door behind him.

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