Knives and Bats

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HI! First Halloween fic...I've never done one and I've been on here for three years...huh. Just guess the idea never came to mind. As always, if you see any typos don't hesitate to point them out and I'll edit it. I also dropped a Paramore reference in the story. If you find it please comment or something...I dropped one in a chapter of Slxt!. It was a Blink reference and no one pointed it out :( okay, that's all. Sorry this is hella long. BYE.

Dallon wasn't fond of parties, but small get togethers were okay, and Mikey had promised him it wouldn't be too crowded because Brendon had only invited a few of his friends over. It'd be fine. Still, his anxiety was getting the best of him.

Mikey squeezed Dallon's hand tightly as they approached the front door of Brendon's house. He gave his boyfriend a sideways glance, smiling slightly. "It's okay, Dal. You'll be fine."

Just behind Mikey, Gerard and his friend, Frank, were goofing off. Or, more so, Frank was. The short boy was teasing Gerard, jabbing him and shoving him. Gerard was less than amused by his friend's actions, so he just ignored Frank.

Inside, a couple of Brendon's friends had already arrived. Brendon didn't have too many friends, but he did have more than a few. The boy was quite social, and he preferred the company of others over his own, so he was always more than willing to be around someone.

Brendon, he was grinning like an idiot, sitting on the floor of the living room pressed up against the couch, his side against his boyfriend, Ryan. Across from him was a small girl with fiery hair and a personality to match called Hayley. She was giggling uncontrollably, shoving her friend, Patrick, in the side with her elbow. Patrick was smiling shyly, rubbing his side as he mumbled something about how Hayley needed to calm down because, ow, that hurt. And it was nice. Really nice.

Patrick, he was like Dallon. Not too fond of being around people, but he found himself to be glad that he had been dragged to a stranger's house by Hayley. Because the stranger, Brendon, turned out to be really nice. His boyfriend was, too.

Five minutes into an intense game of Chutes and Ladders, the doorbell rang, and Mikey, Dallon, Gerard, and Frank were all waiting to be let into Brendon's house. The last of the guests, Jack and Alex, were in Jack's car, fifteen minutes away from Brendon's, screaming along to Blink's latest album, doing Tom Delonge impressions during Matt Skiba's parts just because they could.

The night was incredibly young. No, really, it was about six PM, but regardless of the time, Brendon was more than ready to party--and by that I mean he wanted to play board games for as long as he could before he became super tired.

Brendon hopped up from his place on the living room floor, grinning as he approached the door. Opening it gleefully, he greeted his guest. "Hey guys! Come on in!" He was quite the child, really, but that was just part of his charm.

Mikey smiled back at Brendon, still gripping Dallon's hand. "Hey, Bren."

From behind him, Frank and Gerard were saying hello Brendon, too, and still, Jack and Alex were in the car. Now Alkaline Trio was blasting.

"I hope you don't mind that I asked Dallon to tag along. He didn't have anything better to do..." Mikey trailed off, flashing Dallon a sweet smile, which Dallon couldn't help but return.

Brendon laughed, shaking his head. "Of course I don't mind! The more the merrier. Come on in, you guys."

Brendon's house was cozy, and it always had been. The walls in each room, they were all painted a warm colour that made the atmosphere feel incredibly homey.

The hallways were all this light honey colour. Some of the rooms were burgundy, some accent walls were chocolate brown. The house always smelled of something sweet. Usually chocolate chip cookies and those Welch's gummy snacks that you hope to see in your lunch box as a kid.

Knives and Bats {Multiship halloween fic}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu