Chapter 2 - The First Round

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I'm really, really, REALLY glad they gave us a day off to get a little more.. adjusted to our new member..

After all, we're already a bunch of completely different people, and Hide.. Hide is just strange.

Saiko is strange, but she is not strange to her type of person. In other words, she is a gamer, which is just one type of person. Uncommon, but still so common that it's considered a type of person.

The rest of us have our own personalities, but we're all relatively normal.

Then there's.. Hide. He latches onto someone and has trouble showing emotion (besides following someone around like a dog). He's hard to read and hard to adapt to. I know sometimes Urie has trouble showing his emotion, but it isn't to such an extent as Hide has it.

"Okay, so we're going to play a Get-To-Know-You Game, to, well, get to know each other," I set the deck where it was supposed to go after I shuffled them. We'd already decided on who had what colored piece. Hide got the yellow piece, and Shirazu got the orange piece. Mutsuki was purple, and Urie is the black piece; Saiko got blue, and I am green.

"... (How ridiculous.)"

"Yay, a game, a game!!" Saiko chuckled. "Even if it's not a video game.."

"Are all of us playing?" Hide asked, seeming worried. He looked between me and Saiko.

"Yes, all of us are playing," I responded politely.

"But you better not quit, Hideyoshi!" Saiko glared.

"..." he seemed upset.

"Ahaha, n-now let's all just try to get along.." I chuckled nervously, "Let's at least not fight over a Get-to-know-you game of all things.. Okay, who wants to go first?"

Hide babbled a fact, "Traditionally, the one who's left of the dealer is supposed to go first, I think. Either that or the right." Everyone blinked at him, and he blinked back. "What?"

"Um.." I chuckled nervously, "Where did that fact come from..?"

"Are you sure you're not just trying to favor yourself or Saiko?" Shirazu inquired suspiciously but cautiously.

"What fact? Of course I favor Saiko-chan over myself."

"Ahaha.. n-never mind.." I chuckled.

I guess he said that subconsciously.. like how he says names when he first meets people he met as his past self..

"But, let's start with Hide anyway since he's the one who's newest," I looked at him.

"Oh, I'm going first? Okay," he took a card and read it aloud, "It says, who is your favorite person in this room?"

My cheeks flushed, "A-Ah, you don't have to-"

"Haise of course," Hide answered the card simply.

"Ah.. w-well.. o-okay.. I guess.. I think you're supposed to go one space then.."

I'm his favorite, huh..? Pretty obvious considering I'm the one he latches onto most.. Saiko would be his second favorite then.. I wonder how he'd rank the rest though--we don't know how he feels about the rest of them..

"Technically, you roll a die, Mamman," Saiko advised.

"Oh, is that why there was a die in the box..?" I picked up the die from the box and handed it to Hide.

"? Am I supposed to roll this?" he rolled it around in his hand.

"Yup, go ahead."

"O-kay!" Hide got really intense looking with that spark in his eye as he rolled the die like an expert. Mutsuki and Urie had to dodge his throw, and the die hit the wall before rolling back (more like bouncing..). Hide looked pleased with himself as it finally slowed just at his crossed legs. He picked it up and opened his eyes to read it, "Six!" he started to move his piece.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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