Chapter 15

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It has been two weeks since I bought the house and I am a little more than 2 months pregnant. I had painted Allie's room, and since my ultrasound is scheduled for tomorrow I will be painting the babies room sometime next week. The boys came back to London yesterday and had a show tomorrow night. They had the day off today so they were helping Liam and I move our stuff into the new house. I had started packing after I bought the house two weeks ago. Liam and I had already packed everything up. We finished packing everything last night. I was taking the boxes from Liam and I's room down to the car. When the front door flew open.

"HONEY WE ARE HERE!!!" Louis yells.

"Louis! Shhhh! Allie is still upstairs sleeping." I tell him putting the boxes down and hugging all of them. "Thanks for coming guys!" I say smiling.

"No problem! We are happy to help!" Perrie says taking the boxes from me.

"And you should not lifting anything missy!" Zayn says hugging me again.

"Well what am I supposed to do then?" I ask.

"Head over to the new house with Shy, and get ready to instruct us on where to put everything." He says pushing me and Shy out the door.

"Thanks Zayn!" I say turning around to glare at him before walking over to my car and shutting the trunk. "Come on Shy! Your gonna love the house!" I say getting into the car. We take the few minute drive over to the house and I pull out my key to the door. 

"Come on give me a tour!!" Shy says jumping up and down. It took us 20 minutes to get around the entire house. "You are so lucky that you found this house! I feel like I should try and talk Harry into moving in next door." We both start laughing and that is when I hear the front door open.

"Sami, Where are you love?" I hear Liam yell up the stairs.

"I'll be down in a minute." I say back. Shy and I walk down stairs to see the boys coming in the front door. "Ok boys, all of the boxes are labeled with which room they go to. There is a piece of paper outside all of the doors, and arrows pointing to where the rooms are. Oh and Liam the furniture I ordered should be here very soon." I tell him. 

"Ok love. Boys lets get to work." He says and the boys, Perrie, El and Jade head out the door to start unloading boxes. Shyanne and I stand by the front door talking. It was about 20 minutes before the guys showed up with the furniture. 

"Is this the Payne residence?" One of the furniture guys asks. 

"Yes this is!" I say smiling at them.

"Ok you will have to direct us to the rooms where the furniture goes. And the beds need to be assembled, and that will be upto your husband." He says, I nod and he walks off to start unloading furniture.

It takes them about an hour to unload all of the furniture and put it in the correct rooms. "Thank you gentlemen. I will have my boys put it exactly where it needs to be." I say giving them their tips. They nod and walk out of the house. The boys had finished sorting out the boxes. "Come on lads! Time to move the furniture!" I hear them groan at the top of the stairs. "Come on! The furniture isn't gonna move itself!" They all walk down the stairs and head into the living room where Shy and I are standing. It was an hour and a half before we got everything where I wanted it. Everything except the babies stuff. I still have to go shopping with Shy for that. We are planning on going next week. So that way I have time to paint the baby's room and find out the gender. "Thank you boys! Now let's go get food!" I say. 

"FOOOD!!!!" Niall and Perrie are the first two out the door. We all laugh at the two of them and head out the door.

"So you looking forward to your appointment tomorrow?" Liam asks me.

"I am so excited for tomorrow! I can't wait to find out if we are having a boy or a girl!" I tell him.

"I am hoping for a baby boy this time." Liam tells me and I agree. "And please tell me that you dont plan on painting the baby's room tomorrow?" He asks. When I nod, he looks down dissapointed. "Please dont. You can pick out the color but let me paint the baby's room. You already painted our room and Allie's room. Not to mention your going to be the one that unpacks everything in the house. So the least I can do is paint the baby's room." He says. 

"Ok Liam! That just means you have to paint the room tomorrow before you leave again. Because I am going shopping for all of the babies stuff while you are on tour." He smiles and nods his head.

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