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     Your Worst enemy was walking infont of you.He didn't realize that you was behind him,so you catch up with him and decided to ask him some questions...

You: Hey, (E/N)...Wait up!

Him: (Turns around ).....Huh?

You:(Breathing heavely)...(Sigh)...C-can i ask you something? (°-°)

Him:Ummm,sure as long i can tease

You:What??? (-」-)

Him: .....

You:First day of School: Who was your first very crush?

Him: Why do you want to know? (With his annoying face...)

You:Well,ummm...just  you know,asking

Him: No, I don't want to tell you...

You:Please?I won't tell anyone..PROMISE...



  ( Just then, The schools' bell rang loudly)


You:At least tell me why  you always hate me and bully me?!

Him: (Stop Walking)?!!

You: (°?°)

   You Catch up with him and hold his
                          arm tightly...

Him:???!!( Looks at you and lift your hand gently...)

You: (Gasp) S-sorry...

You:Tell know how im hurt here...

Him:( He walks away)


Him:Turns Around) (Y/N)....cheer up..because  for the first day of school, it was you who i really like....Thats why i act that i hate you,cause i love you...(Smirk)

       You watch him just walk like that wondering and still confuse...

   You were blushing and turned around towards your class...Feeling pity at the same time you felt that you have butterflies in your tummy....

              - The End-

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