Chapter 1- Untouchable

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I grabbed all of my books from my locker while listening to whatever Kate is talking about.

I closed my locker and start walking by the hall hugging my books.

People greet us as they pass by because as you know, I'm having my reign since last year starting from the most-wanted-girl of the campus into hardest-to-get-girl of the campus.

Actually, they just made up those names for me. It started when I took off my braces and then VUALA!- they just started cheering me, being friends with me and adoring me.

However, I much like my face when my teeth were all crack up.
I look more of a korean artist but you know people nowadays, they just want everthing to be perfect, if there is something wrong, they will consider it as a bad mistake.

And that's why I made many many friends but there is just one friend that is always there for me and love me since day one.

Leena Kate Johnson.

My one and only forever friend who is keep talking and talking without knowing that no one is listening to her. But I know she still loves me. ^^

"Hey... hey!" She snapped her fingers in front of me while her other hand is still combing her blonde hair though it's already perfect.

Not like my hair. Just a plain black one. And I'm not looking forward of dyeing my hair.

And talking about 'snapped'
She snapped me from my wonderful train of thoughts. Choo-choo!

"Ah..yeah, what?" I said wondering what she's talking about lately.

"Ahh- she groaned looking like she's annoyed of my mannerism of 'spacing out'. Always.

"- what I'm saying earlier is that campus officers is officially and finally picked by the society of this school after the campaign." She said as she put her comb back to her pocket.

And me in the other hand raising my eyebrow showing her to continue.

But she just replied with a confuse face not understanding what I meant.

"So?..." I finally speak but she just replied with the look of stop-whatever-you-are-doing-look.

"Why are you asking me, you're the one who participated." She answer that made a lot of sense.

Because, as you know this is no common campus officers. This is taking the whole responsibility to make this campus as great as it is.
It takes half of the school year to campaign and convince everyone that they should vote you or if you are some hearthrob thing in the school, that will sure make everyone vote for you whitout giving some effort.

The rule of this organization is different. You just participated and let the people pick where they think you are suited to be. Just like a nomination but just 50 people fighting against each other.

At first people will vote who is the first ten to be in higher officers while the other 40 members can be a representative and take them when one of the higher officers is gone.

And ofcourse me is one of the higher officers. But I still don't know my position. Because I'll just got lazy in the voting thing that will take 5 hours and by not wasting my time sitting in there while listening to some heart-touching speech, I just watch my favorite cartoon marathon yesterday.

So what, that is much better than listening to some people who's just lying for the people to vote them.

"Uhmm.. I kind of get sick.." I lied because I know she will just get angry if I tell the truth which she will find out eventually.

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