after tour

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         Luke p.o.v.

Its been 2 weeks since our last tour. And everything had been amazing. Mal's ex ended up dying in a car crash a month ago and she isnt taking it to heart in the lest bit. She says its a new beginning with no chance of falling back. And that all she needs is me and the boys. Ashton got a girlfriend he is really happy with her. Her name is lucy and she is really nice. Calum and mikey where dating the same girl at one point but didnt know it because she never came around and went by a different name with both of them. Now both boys have different girlfriend's. Calum's girl friends name is tris. Mikey's girlfriend is carrie. They all are really happy but mikey and carrie are in a rough spot right now over a crazed fan. Nothing they cant figure out. As for how me and mal are doing. We are fine things gone good. After we got home from the tour I took her out. We went out about 10 o'clock at night to really beautiful Lake. When we went the stars were shining bright. The moonlight on mal's skin made her even more beautiful if that was even possible. We laid on a blanket and fell asleep. We woke up about sunrise and ended up rushing home. We got there all the boys were waiting for us and they looked really worried. They asked us where we have been all night and we told them what happened. Calum and tris thought it was adorable. Ashton didn't he was worried something happened. But he got over that.

   "Hey sweetheart remember when we went to the lake and fell asleep?" i ask mal.
  "Yes of course it was so mesmerizing and romantic and unforgettable and so perfect."
  "I was juat wondering beautiful." even though i have called her these names before she still hasn't gotton use to it and she blushes which makes me happy knowing its me who is making her do that. Its been almost 6 months since we started dating. Our 6 month anniversary is tomorrow and i have something special planed.

" even though I like seeing you in only your underwear and bra. The boys and there girlfriends are coming over she you got to stop dancing in the middle of the living room and only underwear in bra and get dressed before that get here." She turns to music off and goes into them to get dressed. The boys and there girlfriends coming over is only part leader reason I wanted her to get dressed the other reason is because watching her dance in her underwear and bra makes me want her really badly. This no go on the door and I figure it's the boys and the girls so I good open the door. And in steps micheal, calum, ashton, lucy, and carrie.i don't think i mentioned me and mal fot our own apartment;). They sit down on the couch waiting for mal to come out.
  Mal finally comes out in this short black tight dress with flats on and eye makes up. The dress comes about 6 in above her knee so not to to short and her hair is up. Wow may i say STUNNING!!!!!
  "Wow mal you look.... Amazing" carrie says. Her and carrie became close friends well all the girls have. Actually the four of them started a band. They are called 4 vs 4 (THE BAND IS MADE UP!!!!!!!!!!!) the backstory is me, calum, ashton, and mikey vs all the girls in a dance/sing off band style. They sounded great together so they started there own band and they decided on a few names like
1. Killer chicks
2. Razor unicorns
3. Fellow angel
4. Fallen 4
5. 4 satan
6. Fluffy puppy
7. Dancing clown
  They finally sat down and just thought. Out of the 7 they voted on 4 satan, fallen 4. But it didn't stay. We all talked about the beginning of how it started and mal and carrie broke off and talked. After a while they came and asked about 4 vs 4. The girls agreed because us 4 boys vs the 4 girls worked out.
  "She is being modest babe your down right sexy" i say winkig at her.
  "Thanks luke" she blushes. God i love her blush its cute when she does. I love knowing im the reason she is blushing.

   Mal p.o.v

I started a band with the girls!!! We do covers and some of my songs i write. We post on my YouTube channel. We got a lot of positive feedback. Someone said we are like 5sos. Started off with cover songs with a group of friends. They are all boys we are all girls. And we are all dating someone from 5sos. Sometimes we have to record multiple recordings of the same song because the boys would come in and be loud and ruin it some we still posted though. We have over 9 thousand subscriber's and viewers now. THATS SO EXCITING!!!! I think the boys got some real competition now.

    Ashtons p.o.v.

Im really proud of the girls. They are making it big with the band they put together. Mal is lead vocals. Carrie is lead guitar. Lucy is drums. Tris is on base. I think we got competition. I think ots odd lead singer of 5sos is dating lead singer of 4 vs 4. Lead guitar of 5sos is dating lead guitar of 4 vs 4. And so on its kinda odd.

   Michaels p.o.v.

My girlfriend is in a band. A band wich she plays guitar like me. Im so proud of her and the girls.they are starting to show us up. We need to up our game.

   Calum p.o.v

4 vs 4? Well i gotta say they are gooood. Really good. Seeing tris play the base makes me want to take her to bed and never let her leave. Ever. The girls play with so much emotion it makes me cry i guess thats what happenes when you ex hurts you mentally and physically. All the girls had mental and physical abuse from there ex. And they put allthat megative energy and emotion into music which is good.

     Mal p.o.v

  "Boys we got major news for you guys!!" tris yells.
  "What is is care bear?" mikey says. Aww so cute together.
  "We got signed to a big record company!!!!!" lucy screams.
  "WHAT!?!?!?!??!" all 4 boys scream happily.
  "Yeah lukey we got signed!!" i jump up to give him a huge hug.
  "Thats huge news you guys we need to celebrate!!!" calum insists.
  "Yes a nice dinner than how about spin the bottle?" ashto fucling irwin asks. My brother spin the bottle with me? No way sure we played drunk truth or dare but nothing more.
  "What do you think sis? We all say yes now its up to you."
  "HELL YEAH!!!" everyone screams in excitement.
  "Well we are going to get ready so bye luke bye mal" ash and lucy say
   "Yeah we all should" tris points out.
  "Bye!!" me and luke say leading the 6 outthe door.

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