Confessions of a Gay Disney Prince - JeddieJay

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"You're way off here, darling, because there is no gay in dis-nay, nor will there ever be. You're not a damsel. You're just in distress but I won't be saving you. Save yourself."


I honestly don't know where the summary actually relates to the story... maybe a bit at the beginning? idk. BUT THIS IS ALL TIME FAVORITE FANFICTION IN THE HISTORY OF FANFICTION! LIKE JEDDIEJAY IS SUCH AN AMAZING AUTHOR THAT HE DOESN'T EVEN NEED TO DESCRIBE ALMOST ANYTHING! JUST THE WAY HE WRITE THE WORDS AND JUST OMG Yes, it's pretty much all dialogue and it's still the most amazing book i have ever read. That's how great he is. <3 I'm pretty sure he's a he... I swear I read on one of the authors notes that he's a guy.. Yea. Pretty sure.. if not.. SORRY JEDDIEJAY! I LOVE YOU!

larry fic recsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora