On The Run (A Princeton & YN Story)

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"Look, YN, this is your biggest mission yet. We have a Jacob Perez that's on our Most Wanted list, and he must be stopped as soon as possible. You are our most advanced agent, and we are counting on you."

Being an FBI agent was tough. I always had to spy, get the latest details on everything, contact cops, and of course catch the bad guys. 

Jacob Perez was my newest convict. He has constantly been breaking into federal computers for months, and no one has caught him yet. 

"Alright, where is he?", I asked.

"He is located in Washington, D.C. He's planning a huge break in tonight at the White House. Normally we wouldn't be worried if we heard about something like this, but since Jacob is so advanced that no one has caught him, it worries us. Breaking into the White House is possible, if you're advanced enough, and I believe he is."

"Okay, so how should I go about this?"

"Simple, there is a party at the White House tonight, celebrating another one of the first lady's accomplishments as a women figure. We will contact the White House so you will be able to go in there, and you will find him. I'll tell Rico to go with you. Be sure to where something nice."

As soon as I ended that conversation, I was on the plane headed to D.C. I wasn't happy about having Rico come along. He was always trying to flirt, when I was always about business. This is a job, not a high school buddy. And of course I had to sit with him on this 3 hour plane ride.

It was 1:00 P.M. right now and the party started at 7:00. Normally, I wouldn't be nervous in a situation like this, but since it was so huge, that was pretty much my only option. I decided to just relax, but on my beats, and ignore the flirt next to me for the rest of the trip. 

"YN, wake up baby. We're here!", said Rico.

Wow, even when I'm just waking up I still have the urge to slap some sense into him. 

"Okay, first off, I am NOT your baby so don't ever call me that again. Second, we are on a business trip on a VERY important top secret mission so stop treating it like we are on a vacation and just shut up."

Rico just stood there with his mouth open. Ha. That's what I thought. 

I gathered my bags and we both went to the limo so we could get to the hotel. The ride there was silent, not an awkward silent, but a calm one. I guess he finally got the message! When we finally made it to the hotel, we went in our seperate rooms and got ready for the evening.

I had on a long navy blue gown with some pearls around my neck. I curled my long hair at the ends, and put it in a pony tail. Who knows if i have to run after this guy? Having hair in my face was not an option. I stared into the mirror. This was the night that could make or break my career. I would get the biggest promotion of my life if I caught this guy, so losing was not an option. All I knew about this Jacob guy was that he had a large afro, and always acted alone.

Looking at my clock, I saw that it was 6:30, time to go. Rico was waiting outside my door.

"Wow, you clean up nice girl", he said.

"Thanks, so do you." He honestly did, I just wasn't interested in him though haha.

We arrived and it was time to catch this guy.

The place was packed, and everyone was pretty fake. Laughing at everything everyone would say, constantly smiling. I don't know how they did it. I observed the place carefully, until I finally found what I was looking for.

Jacob Perez. And he was on the move. I tried to get Rico but he was off talking to some girl, so I guess this is gonna be a solo mission now.

He bobbed and weaved between each person, and headed out one door in the back of the room. I  followed being very carefully, trying not to be seen by the convict. He was fast though, I'll give him that.

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