Bubble Bath

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Namjoon's Point Of View

I inhaled the toxic smoke and kicked my feet onto the wooden table

"Damn her" I spat grabbing another beer from the bar and chugged it down enjoying the burning sensation in my throat

I can feel myself slowly becoming drunk

"I could never love someone like you" Repeated itself over and over in my head

"Not now" I mumbled to myself slapping my head so the memories would fade


"You're not my son get away from me" My mother yelled as I wiped the blood from my face onto my shirt

"M...om I didn't mean too, I... I was just so hungry" I cried walking towards her my hands bloody and a maids body laid lifeless on the floor

"Don't come any closer you monster" She cried grabbing onto a knife that was laying on the counter

"Mom I love you" My body shook as My tiny feet came closer to her and I reached my arms out for a hug

"I could never love someone like you" She yelled pushing me to the floor as she brang the knife closer to my neck making me shake in fear

"I'm scared" I cried as I watched My mothers facial expression turn into a frown

"I'm so sorry" She ran her fingers through my hair, kissed me on the cheek and slit her neck

"No" I yelled as her lifeless body fell on top of me

End Of Flash back

"Shit" I punched the table making others stare

"Soju ..." I told the bartender and he gave me a bottle

I almost dropped the bottle unable to grip it correctly

There's one things vampires and can still do we can still get drunk and high

I Put the bottle to my lips when someone grabbed my arm making me jerk my arm away

I looked over to reveal that angel, Joo-Hyuk

"Fuck off" I turned my body away from him and drank

"Listen to me for a second" He grabbed the bottle from me

"I'll give you a minute and If you're not done talking when your times up Ill brake your fingers" I growled making him chuckle

"We'll see" He smiled getting closer to me

"Jisoo must not be reincarnated, Human safety will be at risk" He spoke his voice low

"Why the fuck should I care about humans, they deserve to feel how we feel" I shook the thought of my mom out of my head

"Park Shiwon will rule over the humans, we'll no longer have to feel like outcast, we wont have to hide anymore" I whispered

I took my phone out to check the time it was 12:18

"Kim Namjoon if you wont comply with us we will have to eliminate you and anyone else who gets in the way" He stood up and grabbed a piece of paper out oh his pocket

"Just in case you change your mind" He laid the envelope on the table and left

I looked over at the white envelope and grabbed it

"Fuck it" I snatched it off of the table and put in into my back pocket

I stood up and felt myself becoming dizzy

He's A Vampire ?! - Kim Namjoon - Rap Monster RMWhere stories live. Discover now