[23] Honesty

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(A/N: So. . . Wattpad has deleted my progress for this chapter twice. . . In other words. . . I apologize if this chapter is terrible because writing the same thing 3 times is tiring, boring, and repetitive(no duh).  But yeah, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and I apologize once again if it's horrible!  Now on to the chapter, lezzz go!)

Daehwi's POV-
"What's up GLITCHES?!?!," Areum shouted as she entered the house, acting as if she didn't just escape last night with no warning.

"Don't you 'What up?' us young lady!," Jihoon scolded, "You had us worried!"

"First off: you barely 2 years older than me, and 2nd: I told you guys I'll be safe, and that I'll be back before 1pm. . . I'm back unscathed, AND it's 12:31!," Areum reasoned.

"But that doesn't account for the fact that you left without warning, AND-," I mocked, loosing my cool without intention, "— That we have no clue who you met up with! What if you were kidnapped, Areum? Did you even think this plan through?!"

"I'm not an idiot, and I kept my word," she spoke calmly, which made her even scarier, "I doubt you guys would've let me meet up with him in the first place!!!"

"Him?!," I 'laughed,' "Did you meet up with Mark Lee? I told you those boys are dangero-"

"They're you're enemy, Daehwi. . . Not. Mine.," she growled as she gripped my shirt tightly. She pushed me away.

"He has a point, Areum," Jisung tried to reason with her, "And What makes it seem like we wouldn't let you meet with whoever you were gonna meet?," he tried to calm down the tension in the home.

"Where should I start!," Areum chuckled 'happily,' "Well. . . 1-," she began counting on her fingers, putting one down with each new reason , "You-," she gestured at Jisung, "Pulled me out of dance. 2: You guys refuse to drop me off a block- A BLOCK away from school. 3: I'm not allowed to go ANYWHERE without one of you guys following me. 4: You guys hack into my devices when I'm asleep!- I have a camera hooked up in my room-, and finally 5: You refuse to give me a straight answer to any questions I have," She ended with her right hand in a fist, "Anything else you want me to add?"

"We're just doing all of this for your protection!," Minhyun stated, frustration building up, "Why can't you under-"

"Well I didn't ask for you protection!"

"AND WE DIDN'T ASK FOR A B*TCH TO COME INTO OUR LIVES!," I snapped, and I immediately covered my mouth in shock, and regret.  Areum's eyes widened, and then sharpened into a glare, "Areum I'm so-"

"Save it."

". . . I'm-"

"Just shut up!  The one time I don't ask for honesty, and I get it like a punch in the gut!," Areum shouted at me. . .at all of us, "You never EVER give me straight answers unless you loose your cool or you can't control your emotions!"  Her voice started wavering, and we didn't know why, "Do I have to make you guys snap before I can hear the truth?. . .  I-," she let out a sigh, "I know I act like a b*tch sometimes. . . I get it. . . But if I have to make you guys SNAP before I can have a conversation with you all that actually goes somewhere. . . I'd rather just stay mute."

". . . We're not used to-"

"You think I don't know that?," Areum interrupted Daniel, "I know you're not used to having a boring teenaged girl in your life, but like you keep telling me: I'm YOUR responsibility now. . . Either get your shit together or I'll just walk my ass over to SM because unlike you guys, they are, or in your case 'act,' nice and friendly to me. . .  They feel like people I can trust. . .people I can talk and have a nice conversation with."

Areum paused, and she looked at all of us individually as if her eyes were searching for something, "I'm trying- trying!- to be your 'friends' here. . .and I know you're trying to make me be your friend. . .but it's difficult if you can't even tell me where your going or what's going on in the world of gangs. . . "

". . . We'll try-," Areum gave Jisung a look, "We will open up to you. . .just. . . We don't know much about your life either. . .or you for that matter."

Areum cocked an eyebrow, "What?!  You guys fricken'-  You guys kidnap the sister of an opposing gang you never did a background check on me?!"

"We know the basics. . . Like your name, age, school, clothing size, activities, etc., But we don't know. . . YOU," Sungwoon attempted to explain.

". . . What's my favorite color?"

". . ."

"Oh my gosh you guys know nothing. . .," she muttered.

"We know you don't like pink," JinYoung offered, but it got denied with an eye roll from Areum.

"So?," she groaned, "This is so dumb- Okay!  We're gonna do this thing called an 'Ice Breaker.'"

"The mint?"

"JinYoung shut up for a moment," Areum commanded, not having ANYTHING right now, "You gave me your profiles with all your dislikes, likes, personal talents/skills, etc. . .  It's only fair your guys know about me. . .," she sighed and mumbled something, but it was inaudible to all of us.

Areum's POV-
"I better not regret this. . .," I mumbled, "Besides that," I spoke up, "This would be a chance for us to get closer. . .and possibly lessen the tension and badness around us. . . Sound good?"

The boys exchanged glances, and the all said something with their eyes. . . I don't know what, but I could tell the agreed.

"Let's do it!," Jisung chirped, and we all moved over to the living room.

- - -

As the guys were preparing somethings for the Ice Breaker, Daehwi scooter closer to me, "Hey. . ."

"Hey," I said shortly at the boy.

"I'm sorry. . .about earlier. . . I was just caught up in the moment and-"

"Daehwi," I laughed, "It's okay!. . .   Trust me. . .," my eyes averted their attention to boys grabbing. . . food, "I appreciate honesty.  Yeah, sure it can be brutal, but sometimes you need an indirect slap to the face every once in a while."

"But still. . .," Daehwi trailed off, still feeling guilty for what he yelled at me.

"Daehwi," I turned to him and placed both of my hands on his shoulders, "I. Am. O. Kay!"

"No. You. Are. Not!," he did the same thing back.

"Yes. I. Am!"

"Hey, I love that song!," he grinned cheekily, and I chuckled while rolling my eyes, "You sure you're okay?"

"I'm positive, David," I grinned using his English name. I slung an arm around his shoulders, "Now let's go! I think the guys are done preparing," I winked, and began walking with Daehwi, my arm still around his shoulders, towards the living room.

Daehwi's POV-

What are you doing to my heart, Kang Areum?. . .

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