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So yeah DM me questions you have about me or anything at all I'll be happy to answer them!! Moving on to the questions :')

The most asked question I've ever gotten is about my sexuality, Idk why that's important but a lot of you wanted to know

I'm pansexual :D

Moving on

A lot of people asked about my next book that I had mentioned a lot on my Instagram pages and my previous update.

I am either going to write another Ereri fan fiction or a killing stalking fan fiction :')

"Do you have any personal experiences with things like depression or are you just writing about it?"

I have depression, but I write about it more as a venting thing. I show most of my emotion through my writing.

"Why do you keep leaving?"

I'm sorry I got occupied, I'm trying to work on more story's now though.

"How old are you?"

Let's let that remain a mystery lmao (:


I'll keep adding more as they're asked! :D

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