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Unlike before, they are now holding each other’s hand. A lot of people are looking at them, their hearts flutter everytime the couple would act like they were still filming an episode for a reality they did years ago. “It’s been a while, right?” he asked her causing her to glance at him, she just gave him a huge smile upon entering a certain room.

My favorite couple!” said the every bubbly lady while greeting the two people who just visited the studio where she’s been filming the variety show where she is currently the host.

She signaled them to take their seat the moment the director started counting down. “Dear viewers, someone visited me today.” the host said after she heard the word rolling. “Everyone seems to miss these two so, let’s welcome... The Bbyu couple! Joy eonnie and Sungjae brother-in-law.” she said then the audiences started clapping their hands.

“Thank you for inviting us here, Yerim!”

“We invited the two of you because we wanted to know more about your triplets and not because of the two of you,” Yeri said in her most serious tone but the couple just laughed at her because her facial expression couldn’t lie.

It seems like she was about to smile and she’s trying her best not to make unnecessary sounds. But after a minute or two, she ended up laughing together with the two.

Yeri started to look at her cue cards, “Okay, let’s talk about the triplets. How was it? I mean, I saw how hard it is to raise three daughters. Especially if the two of you are the parents. It could’ve been very hard for Jangmi, Sami, and Lami, right?” Yeri received a laugh from her audience and a little spank from Joy after what she said.

“It’s hard, right?” Sungjae started answering then looked at his wife. “But, I thank God that Joy is my wife and the mother of my kids. She makes sure that everything is in order.” he then added. Joy covered her face because of shyness.

“Who’s Jangmi? Who’s Sami? Who’s Lami? Can you two please differentiate the triplets? Of course, we all know that Jangmi is an actress, Sami is a singer, and Lami is a painter but who are they as your daughters and as a person?” Yeri asked.

Joy cleared her throat. “Jangmi is a very responsible daughter. Sami and Lami is afraid of her but in a nice way. You could see how she exerted an effort to be a role model to her younger sisters even though she’s just a few minutes older than the two.”

“She’s just like her mom. She plans everything. Ever since she was still a kid, she already have a planner or diary in her bag. She started dreaming to become an actress when she saw my drama, Goblin. After that, she joined a drama club in her school. Her first role was she was the daughter of a rich man. When I came home from my rehearsal, I was still active as an idol that time, she showed me her script and told me that she will be Deokhwa’s girl version.” Sungjae added. Photos of Jangmi acting as a 'girl version of Deokhwa' were flashed on the screen and people started to talk about how adorable the young Jangmi.

"Now, she's preparing for her new drama. I hope you will continue supporting our eldest." Joy promoted, as if she's the momager of her daughter.

“What about Sami? As I mentioned awhile ago, she’s a singer. It’s like she wants to follow the footsteps of her parents.”

Joy’s expressions started to change when Yeri mentioned Sami being a singer and that she’s following their footsteps, “Unlike Jangmi, we were against about Sami's interest in our world.” the audience were shocked of what Joy just revealed.

“We were against it because we know what it is and how it is if you’re an idol. And as much as I we can, we wanted our daughters not to follow our career paths. Sami and I had a little misunderstanding because between the two of us," She, then, pointed Sungjae who's just listening and looking at her for a long time. "I was really the one who’s not in favor of it." Joy explained.

He looked at his wife who’s now kind of nervous of what to add so he decided to grab the microphone in front of him, “I think, the reason why Joy didn’t liked the idea of Sami being an idol is because they’re both girls. She knows the hardship of girl idols. And I witnessed some of those." Sungjae paused for a bit. When she saw how Joy nodded, which is the signal that it's okay for him to tell her story.

He cleared his throat, "Those times where she just wanted to quit but because she loves music, her members, and her fans, she still continued it. And I explained it to Sami. Sami felt sorry for what she said to her mom. They eventually got okay after Sami apologizes to her mom.”

“When Jangmi decided to go to a drama club, Sami signed up for the musical group in their school. Young Love was the song that Sami sang when she auditioned for that group—yes, that was the clip.” Joy’s statements where interrupted when Sami’s audition clip was played on the screen.

Yeri scanned her cue cards, “And Sami is also a composer.”

Joy and Sungjae laughed, it’s as if they’ve remembered what happened in the past. “She’s a solid bbyu fan. She always watches our reality show and when she saw that episode wherein we composed a song, she said to us that she wanted to try it too. That’s why she’s always at her Uncle Hyunsik’s studio because she said that she wanted to learn from the expert.”Sungjae explained.

“How about Lami? Unlike the two, she’s into art. The two of you doesn’t even have any artistic side, right?” As expected from Yeri, she would always tease them with this.

“It started when we decided to visit a museum. The same museum where we filmed an episode for our reality show years ago. She knows art. Just like her dad, she could immediately give meanings to each paintings she saw. She’s always with her Aunt Seulgi since Seulgi eonnie runs an art center. She usually spends her summer there.” Joy stated. Paintings that was made by Lami was now handed by the staffs to the couple.

Yeri was shocked to see the painting, “Is it—”

Joy giggled, “It’s you and it’s for you. Lami painted that for you. It took her a day and a half to finish that.” she said which made the host smile and felt touched because of what her god-daughter did.

“Eonnies, Lami painted me.” Yeri said as if she was talking to her other eonnie— Irene, Seulgi, and Wendy—while showing the painting Lami did for her.


"Do you still remember when you were hiding over there?" Joy asked Sungjae as they roamed around the studio of MBC's music show.

Sungjae smiled just by the thought of it. It was as if he remembered every inch of it. Even though it already happened more than 20 years ago.

Those were the times where they're still hiding from the public's eyes. Those were the times when people are shipping them with other people. Those were the times. Those were the times where people doesn't have any access of their story yet.

They're protecting each other. Sungjae did everything he could to protect what they have. He protected her from everyone and anyone. He's willing to do anything just to not let Joy got hurt again.

"I love you." Sungjae said all of a sudden.

If they are still the 20-year-old Joy and 21-year-old Sungjae, the situation might be different.

Joy smiled at him, "I love you."

They never said 'I love you, too' to each other because they believed that it's more like answering a question. And the word I love you is not a question. It's a statement. A feeling. An emotion.


I'll be posting the continuation of the story here. This will be the extended version. Plus, the fact that the ones on Twitter is a bit awkward to read. Lol.

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